I am a born again Christian. You can read my
beliefs, and other Christian-related things as well as things about my home state, etc. on other pages here. I have, (living), one son, his wife (my daughter- in-law), and one grand-daughter to whom I have so far, dedicated one page. I will have pictures of them, and other pages as soon as I can get them made. So check back often, as I will updating this site very frequently.

I want God to have glory out of my life..He has, and He will. I've a story to tell to the world of the miracles He has performed in my life and, as a result of this, I dedicated my life to His service to be used in what ever way He wants to use me. Now I feel He is opening a new door to me and saying, "This is it...now do it!

After my early retirement from the public work force I had wondered what I might be able to do. With the computer and on-line access becoming available, I felt this just may be it! This, until recently, was a totally foreign thing to me.. it still is LOL! Having heard a lot of unpleasant rumors relevant to the internet, I was some what skepical, and just played with it for a while, gradually venturing into surfing, looking for Christian groups with whom I might identify.

Whatever I was going to do, I wanted to be active in it-- not just a figurehead, serving God and helping others.I DO feel God has entrusted me with so much to give of myself; He has blessed me with many talents, and the ones that were taken as the result of a near fatal automobile wreck, were replaced with others that probably would not have otherwise surfaced.

God has used me on behalf of others who have also suffered as a result of traumatic events in their life. So through this web site--along with Christian groups I may associate with, I feel God is saying this is where you can continue to do good for others...maybe in a different way than before but, in a way that I will lead, guide and direct you.

And so, I haven't questioned Him or looked back...but I knew He was going to have to perform yet another miracle if I built a web site LOL! And so He has, Praise His Holy Name. It is my prayer that I may be able to reach out and help others; to, through my own testimony, lead others to Him, and help those who are weak to become stronger in him---help them to know there is LIFE in Jesus!

I know this so well because I came from clinical death (3 times) to where I am today. He wasn't finished with me; He had taken my daughter but knew my Son needed me.... I had asked God to allow me to live to see him grown. So He sent me back to Earth for that purpose, and to tell others about Him.

He not only has allowed me to see my son reach maturity, but to have a wonderful christian family of his own. They are active in church and God's work. And when our (what I call) little miracle --my granddaughter--and she IS GRAND, learned to talk, she told me this: "Nana, God took your little girl but he sent me to love you and keep you from being sad." And so, God works in mysterious ways His miracles to perform!

My Family ~


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