Mining Photos from the Past MENU  
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Hand held rock drilling using
an arm and bar pneumatic
boring machine.
Barring down in a open stope underground, by using a long bar
the miners would knock down any loose rocks from the “backs” (roof).

A photograph of a miner using a Air Scraper to pull the broken ore to the chute.

Hand Trucking -
this miner is pulling ore from a chute into a hand truck, after it is full he will push this truck by hand to the orepass.
These men are building a “bulk”,
this is a method used to support the backs and stop the roof from caving in.
Men placing their tags on the IN or OUT boards to show they are on or off the level,
a safety precaution for the explosive firings.
This is a miner lowering a piece of timber down a “timberway” to the miners below who will use the timber to support the “Backs”.
A miner in a tunnel underground, using a air bogger to load broken rock into a ore truck behind him.
Broken Hill Sintering works, this was one of the early methods of extracting the ore from the waste rock, the ore was roasted before other treatment.
Crimping the detonators to the fuse was done by hand by the magazine keeper, a hazardous job at the best of times.
© Line of Lode Association
All Rights Reserved
WebSite Created by- Lovell New Media 2002