| Blue Triangle Butterfly - Graphium sarpedonFAMILY PAPILIONIDAEThis page contains information and pictures about Blue Triangle Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
The ButterflyThe Blue Triangle Butterflies have wings which are black to dark brown in colour with large blue area in the middle. Those blue patterns joint to make a triangle and this comes their common name. The underside pattern of the wings are similar except there are the red spots on the hind wings bottom.
The Caterpillar
The Pupa
CourtshippingBlue Triangle butterflies fly very fast and are seldom at rest. When they are feeding on flowers, their wings are held vertically and constantly vibrate. The above pictures shows a pair of Blue Triangle Butterflies courtshipping. The female and male butterflies are looked almost the same. When look carefully, we can see the male bear a fringe of scent-bearing hairs along the inner edges of his hindwings which he uses it to disperse scent to the female. The ParasitiseWe found that Blue Triangle Butterflies are also suffered the parasitise by Tachinid Fly. The about picture shows a fly larvae just emerged from a Blue Triangle pupa. More information about fly parasitise please visit our Tachinid Fly page. The Host plantCamphor Laurel is an introduced species and adapted by the Blue Triangle as their host plant. The plant is toxic to humans and considered as serious weed. Camphor Laurel can be found near creek as a dense large tree. The above right picture shows a empty parasited Blue Triangle pupa.
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