Australian Cockroach
Austral Ellipsidion
Bush Cockroach
Surinam Cockroach
Wood Cockroach
Praying Mantids
Boxer Bark Mantid
Spiny Bark Mantid
Garden Praying Mantid
Large Brown Mantid
Purplewinged Mantid
False Garden Mantid
Burying Mantid
Stick Insects
Tessellated Phasmatid
Titan Stick Insect


Family Blattidae - Blattid Cockroaches

Methana Cockroach 

Members in this family are usually large in size. Their cerci are relatively long and obvious. They are usually dark brown to reddish-brown in colour.

The well known pest cockroach, including the American Cockroach and Australian Cockroach are in this family. 

Australian Cockroach
Periplaneta australasiae, subfamily BLATTINAE, body length 40mm
This cockroach looks ugly, it has hairy legs and eye-pattern on their thorax. They are reddish brown in colour, with long antennae and yellow edges on the front part of forewings. They are pest in households. This species of cockroach, and the German Cockroach, have given the group a bad name. They transmitted diseases when they occur in house and restaurants. They can contaminate food and must be controlled. Despite their name, they are not native to Australia. They originated from Asia. They became totally adapted to the domestic life. More pictures and information can be found on Australian Cockroach page. 
Bark Cockroach, Common Methana
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Methana marginalis nymph, subfamily POLYZOSTERIINAE, body length 20mm
The pictures show a nymph Bark Cockroach. The adults look the same except with fully developed wings. The cockroaches are dark brown in colour, with creamy white edges along both sides of body. We sometimes find them in the bush. They run fast on ground and hide among plant materials.
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Methana Cockroach
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Methana curvigera, subfamily POLYZOSTERIINAE, body Length 30mm
We found this Cockroach on a Acacia leaf in early summer in Yugarapul Park. We saw this Cockroach only once. It was brown in colour. The wing covers were brown with white edges. The thorax was white with a dark strip eyes pattern.
Cockroach, wingless, shiny black with obvious cerci
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Platyzosteria sp., body length 20mm 
The cockroach was found hiding under the fallen gum tree bark during the day. 
Dark Brown Cockroach
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? Polyzosteria sp., body length 20mm
We saw this cockroach a few times. The cockroach was found on different plants during the day. It was mid summer in Karawatha forest. 
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The cockroach was dark brown, with one abdomen segment near the end white in colour. It had the relatively thick body compared with other cockroach.
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This cockroach run in a medium speed.  

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Last updated: December 18, 2005.