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moths of this family are named 'Cup Moths' because the shape of their pupal cocoon look like a
cup. Their cocoons usually have the wooden round shape, attached to a twig of
the food plants. The cocoon look like the fruit of the gum tree on the
leaves which they feed.

- Cup Moth cocoons, diameter 8mm
Most caterpillars have their stinging
hairs when disturbed, and they usually have the bright warning colours. Their
sting will give a painful nettle-like sting and burning feeling, so they
sometimes known as Spitfires. The caterpillars in this family walk like a
slug for they do not have prolegs
and all their true legs are reduced.
have scout and furry bodies, from small to medium size.
- Mottled Cup Moth, Chinese Junk

- Doratifera vulnerans, caterpillar length 20mm, adult wing span 30mm
- Mottled Cup Moth caterpillars are pale brown in colour, the bright warning
colours white, pink and yellow in the middle. They show their stinging hairs
when disturbed. The adult moth is bright brown in colour, with hairy thorax.
More information and pictures please click here.
- Black Slug
Cup Moth

- Doratifera casta, body length 25mm
- The caterpillar was found on blade grass in Macgregor Bushland during mod
summer. Few days later, the caterpillar pupated on the side of the glass jar. The
pupa was brown in colour. The second picture shows the moth came out from the
pupa after two weeks. More information and pictures please click here.
- Four-spotted
Cup Moth

- Doratifera quadriguttata, body length 30mm
- We found some Four-spotted Cup Moth caterpillars in Alexandra Hill during
mid summer. They were feeding openly on young gum tree leaves during the day.
We took a few of them home to watch their grow. We also took some branches of
gum leaves as their food. More information and pictures are recorded here.
- Fern Cup Moth

- Hedraea quadridens , body length 30mm
- The Fern Cup Moth caterpillars are brightly green in colour, with dark
green and white lines along their body. Their body are full of stinging hairy
spikes, especially two pair at the front and two pair at the end. If contacted,
the infected area will be pain and itching, accompany with burning
feeling. We found this Fern Cup Moth caterpillar in Alexandra Hill along the creek
feeding on the young bracken fern Pteridium esculentum during mid summer.
More information and pictures please click here.
- Green Slug Caterpillar

- Eloasa symphonistis, body length 10mm,
- We found this caterpillars in Alexandra Hill bushland. In mid-summer, they
are easily seen on Acacia leaves. They move very slowly. The Caterpillars are
green in colour with dome shaped.
The larger caterpillars have a number of faint pale lines running along its
body. They pupates in between leaves in a hard brown cocoon. The moth is
brown in colour.
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