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Large Bagworm - Metura elongatus

Family Psychidae

This page contains information and pictures about Large Bagworms that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Case length 90mm                                                                                      Photo: Keith Power, Toowoomba
Large Bagworms actually are case moth caterpillar. The caterpillar lives in a case made of its silk and plants materials. The adults are known as Saunders' Case Moths. Large Bagworm is a large caterpillar with 10mm in cross diameter. It body is orange-brown in colour with black eyes pattern on its thorax.   
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The case moths pupate within their case, they hang their bag by the front to a twig and securely with silk The second picture shows a moth had emerged through the bottom opening and left the empty case.
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We found this case moth caterpillar in summer. It was feeding on our palm tree. We had kept it for a few weeks. It fed at evening  everyday. It fed on most kinds of plants leaves, including Gum tree and Wattle leaves. When disturbed it retreated back into its bag. Its bag had two openings at each end. At one end it came out for feeding. At the other end it dumped its waste. 
We will keep it until it turn into a moth. Please come back to this page later to see if it has turn into a moth.

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Last updated: February 24, 2004.