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Margarodidae is regarded as the primitive family. They are usually known
as Mealy bugs or Mealybugs. They are sometimes found in group on plants indoor or
outdoor. Their bodies are flat with waxy excretions of white powdery substance.
They seldom move and feed in the same way as aphids and scale insects. Ladybirds
and lacewings
are their predators.
- Cotton Cushion Scale, Australian mealybug, Fluted
- Icerya purchasi, dia 6mm
- The picture shows a matured female cottony cushion scale. The white cottony
substance is her egg sac. Males are rare and females can reproduce without
mating. Newly hatched nymphs are red with dark legs and antennae. More pictures
and information can be found in this page.
- Snow Ball Mealy Bug
- Monophlebulus sp., length 5-20mm
- The snowy white balls on stem are different in
size, the largest in size is about 20mm. When we removed the white substance
we saw the orange-red and blue mealy bug body. More pictures and information
please find in this page.
- Bird of Paradise Flies - Violet Phoenix
- Callipappus sp., body length winged male 10mm, wingless female 40mm
- As a member in the Mealy Bugs family, Bird of Paradise Fly is unbelievable large, actually their female grow up
to 40mm, the largest in Soft Bug suborder. Bird of Paradise Fly is an incredible insect. It has only one pair of wings
so we first thought this could be a fly. After we saw their female and we were
confused and cannot tell the order of this insect. More information and
pictures on Bird of Paradise Fly please click here.
- Bird of Paradise Flies - Silver Phoenix
- Callipappus sp., body length winged male 10mm, wingless female 40mm
- After visiting our web page Bird of Paradise
Fly (Violet Phoenix), Margaret sent us emails and photos, telling us that
there is the similar interesting insect in Western Australia. Here we would
like to thank Margaret for premising us to put the pictures and information in
this web page.
- Mealy Bug ?
- ? sp. diameter 3mm
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