> Articles / Stories > The KA Photo Gallery (British Aikido Website) > The Kenshiro Abbe Celebration 14th May 2005 (British Aikido Website) > Celebration Event Photos (British Aikido Website) > Celebration Event Video Out-Takes (Google Video) > Abbe Sensei Demonstrating Judo > Japanese Swords - Contact the UK's leading expert (British Aikido Website) |
Welcome to the Kenshiro Abbe Films
Circa 1965 - K Abbe to right of centre, with Kobayashi Sensei behind him - M Nakazono Sensei far left - Peter Beljaars in dark glasses. Next to Kobayashi with moustache is Jean Stas from Belgium.
On May 14th 2005, a great and successful tribute event was held at the Crystal Palace Sports Centre, London. The event was named “ The Kenshiro Abbe 50th Celebrations “ and was organised by members of the Essex Aikido Forum. The organisers were either direct or indirect students of the legendary Budo master Kenshiro Abe Sensei. The great hall at Crystal Palace was filled to capacity with 430 students taking part. There were also 370 seated spectators and approx. 350 standing. There is a full report of the day's events here. Following the success of the event the organisers wish the tribute to continue with this site. A site that will be constantly up-dated with fresh content as we receive it. There are many interesting old photos and history articles of interest. Kenshiro Abbe Sensei first arrived in Britain in 1955 with an invitation by the London Judo Society ( LJS ). He was 8th Dan Judo. The youngest ever 5th Dan in Japan's Judo history, the youngest ever All Japan Champion at 18 years of age and 15 years later the oldest All Japan Judo Champion at the age of 33 yrs. He was also graded in several other Martial Arts. Aikido 6th Dan – Karate 6th Dan – Kendo 6th Dan – Ju-Kendo 6th Dan – 6th Dan Kyudo. He was also accomplished with both the Yari and Naginata spears. Abbe Sensei introduced Aikido to Britain for the first time in 1955, first at the LJS and in the same year at the LJS Judo Championships 1955 at the Royal Albert Hall. Abbe Sensei was a direct student of O' Sensei Morihei Ueshiba who gave him his personal permission to teach Aikido in the UK. This site and it's contents are a work of devotion to a great Martial Arts legend by people that still treasure the memory of this great teacher by students who only consider themselves as simply “ privileged students “. As one researches the name and history of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei one will find an ever increasing number of “” FRIENDS “” of Abbe Sensei. The visitor will find nothing on this site from any `friends` of Abbe Sensei. If you were an ex-student of Abbe Sensei and have any old photos you would like to share with our visitors, please contact Henry Ellis on BritishAikido@ntlworld.com.
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