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Made In Canada: The Homepage for Canadian Science Fiction

Made in Canada is the proud recipient of a 2000, 2003 & 2004 Prix Aurora Award!

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The Homepage for
Canadian Science Fiction




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800 x 600 


Made in Canada R.I.P.


In 1998, when I first started  Made in Canada, Canadian Science Fiction was very poorly represented on the web. The most the average SF reader knew was that American expatriates Spider Robinson, William Gibson and Robert Charles Wilson all lived up here, that Robert J. Sawyer was "Canada's only native-born full-time science-fiction writer"  and that Margaret Atwood slummed in the Genre once or twice. Made in Canada was the first website to remedy that perception. I created Made in Canada as a hub to find everything available online regarding Canadian Science Fiction authors, actors, directors, movies, magazines, TV series, websites, awards, news, etc. 


MiC was at its peak between 2001 and 2005. I would spend hours researching, updating, finding news for the MiC Newsletter and soliciting contributions.  Response from people with entries in MiC and from SF Fans was awesome. I got cool emails from Ellen Dubin, Lex Gigerof, David Winning, Rob Sawyer, Robert Charles Wilson, Jean Pierre Normand, Julie E. Czerneda, and many other personalities as well as hundreds of encouraging emails from fans. Whenever I met a new author, editor or actor, it was always cool to find out that they knew of and had visited my website and thanked me for my efforts. Between 2000 and 2006  MiC was recognized by the fans of Canadian SF with 8 Prix Aurora Award nominations, 3 of which won awards.  I was welcomed into the SF community with open arms and have gained many good  friends over the years.


Since 1998 things have changed significantly.  Nearly every  SF writer has a blog, a website, or both. Canadian SF is now very well represented by major SF websites (SF Site, Locus Online, Sci-Fi Wire, Etc), Publishers (DAW, Tor, Baen, Etc), International Awards (Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, Etc), and of course Wikipedia; A hugely popular database of online information that includes a wealth of information on Canadian Science Fiction. 


Unlike ten years ago, almost anything you can find through MiC can just as easily be found through Google or through the resources mentioned above.  I can't help but think that the information here at MiC is becoming a bit redundant.  With that in mind I regretfully have to say that MiC will no  longer be  updated significantly. 


I am very proud of Made in Canada and its little footnote in Canadian SF History.  I want to thank everybody who helped with Made in Canada.  In particular, Isaac Szpindel, Julie Czerneda, Doug Smith, Rob Sawyer, Peter Halasz, Bob Wilson, John Clute, Karen Bennett, Ruth Stuart, Marcel Gagne, Edo van Belkom, Cory Doctorow, Jim Gardner, Peter Watts, Karin Lowachee, Lloyd Penney, Bill Wanstrom, Pat Forde and Ken Basarke. Your praise, encouragement, advice, contributions and friendship helped to make Made in Canada great. 


Made in Canada will remain online. Please feel free to browse through the hundreds of pages still here at MiC. Many of the treasures that made MiC cool can still be found. I will likely add links to Wikipedia entries on many pages and try to keep up with bad links. Some of the more popular MiC pages will get some attention when it comes to updates.  I will also update the Official Author pages when needed. 


My E-mail address is still active for any of you who want to contact me. canadian-sf@rogers.com




Don Bassie



v Wikipedia Links

v Karen Bennett's Blog - Excellent  Canadian SF News blog edited by former MiC Newsletter contributor, Karen Bennett

v SF Canada News Page - An up to date resource for news on  SF Canada members that include Cory Doctorow, Peter Watts, Phyllis Gotlieb, Mathew Hughes, Jean Louis Trudel, Élisabeth Vonarburg, Dave Duncan, Spider Robinson,  and Many More

v Canadian SF Works Database - Lists of eligible works for the Prix Aurora Awards.

v karenbennett.ca - Homepage for Karen Bennett's "Fantaastic Toronto Survey". A bibliography of science fiction/speculative fiction, fantasy and horror that was set in (or has major mentions of) the city of Toronto. 

v  SF Site - A huge website run by Canadian Rodger Turner  with a news page edited by Steven H. Silver that includes Canadian SF news.

v  Locus Online - An excellent News source for everything Science Fiction.

v  Scifi Wire - Scifi.com  comprehensive Science Fiction News source.

v  Edge and Tesseract Books - Canadian SF/Fantasy book publisher. 

v  Sunburst Award - Info and news on Canada's only Juried SF award. 

v Prix Aurora Award - Home page of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy award.

v Links to some Canadian Author Websites