Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Prix Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!

Lisa Smedman
Heirs of Prophecy Tails You Lose The Playback War The Halls of Stormweather Psychotrope
Lisa Smedman lives in Vancouver B.C. She is a prolific author of over 15 novels and collections. She has five novels set in the Shadowrun universe and has three novels in the Forgotten Realms Universe. Lisa's novel called The Playback War, set in FASA's VOR: The Maelstrom universe, was a finalist for a 2001 Aurora Award for best long form work in English. Her latest work is Venoms Taste (Forgotten Realms: House of Serpents, Book 1), now available. Watch for her new fantasy novel The Apparition Trail, "an historic fantasy set in the Canadian west of the 1880s, with magic added in", coming June 2004.

Look for Lisa Smedman's newest book
Venoms Taste
Venoms Taste (Forgotten Realms: House of Serpents, Book 1)

Now Available!

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Last updated March 21, 2004