The night was spreading a dark blanket over the cottage of Charles Clifford, obscured by the dense fog of late October. The silence of those mountains surrounding the compound, was frightening; only from time to time the barking of a wild dog could be heard faraway, to be lost like a mysterious echo. Only one window of the cottage was illuminated, in that dark silhouette projected in the gray sky. Why that light so late in the night, burning alone like a lonely star shinning in that immense darkness of the forest? Somebody was awake, and that living soul was no more nor less then Christine, a virgin young lady seated on an antique steel bed, in an octagonal bedroom with marble walls, and a ceiling of oak, artistically worked by the craftsmen of the XI century. On the floor a beautiful Persian carpet ornamented the used lime-stone floor-squares. At the end of the room was a statue of the Virgin Mary, in front of which was a burning lamp. Christine fall on her knees with her face hidden between her hands. She was praying, but looks sad, meditating profoundly on her thoughts. It looks like a supplication. The blond and abundant hair, wrapped her face and shoulders as a golden blanket. Her body was agitated nervously, sighing, from her lips small sobs could be heard. She was on that position for long time, and for some moments more she didn't move. On the end she raises her beautiful eyes to the statue of the Virgin Mother, while a couple of tears rolled down on her face. Queen Mother! She implored, raising her hands in a cross like. Why you don't listen to me? Did it happen that I don't deserve your Divine Protection? Why you keep away my tranquillity, that you use to give to me all the time? Scare from me the temptation, Adored Mother. Lighten my mind, and give me protection! She became immovable, like in ecstasy, with her sight beaming on the face of the Sacred Statue, as if she was waiting for a smile of compassion, or a word of consolation. The tears of Christine became more abundant, and the sobs more sad. What happen with me? She asks hiding her face again between her hands. What anxiety is this that I never experienced before? Why comes to my mind, seducible images that disturb my prayers, and confuse my thoughts? She pauses for a short minute, just to resume again in the same manner. Before, I find happiness and consolation on my prayers here in front of this Divine Statue, alone in the glorious silence of the night. I rose with fervor my supplications, and in a state of ecstasy seem to heard the harmonious voice of the Queen Mother, to incite me to pursue the road of virtue, and offering her hand for protection. Now I want to pray, and don't have the concentration. Looks like the words that come from my imagination and my lips, aren't words of prayer, but words of material life. Words that came from my memory, and can't erase from my mind the image of that man that had been a guest of my father. She shakes, and stammer in a low voice, almost inaudible. Is he. Is Clifford. He is the cause of my anxiety, my uncertainty and restlessness! I see his image in every place, as if engraved in my mind. Why this image appears smiling all the time? Why after seeing him only once, his complexion was so clear in my mind, as if I had known him for long? Why his remembrance comes all the time to interfere with my prayers? I can't explain what I felt for the first time I saw him, it was a sweet sensation that I couldn't get over, and continue to overcome my sentiments. Good Mother, don't abandon me! Give me tranquillity! Never permit that other sentiments, "no matter how pure they would be," come to dispute your place in my heart that only you till now had occupied. Have mercy on me! While Christine formulate these supplications, "the reflex of the purity of her heart," a man appears in the patio that extend for many long yards in front of the cottage. He walks cautiously in direction to the window of the room where Christine was continuously praying. Some was mysterious on the walking of this man, he constantly turns his head as if to find any mysterious danger. He was wrapped in a dark-large robe, with the collar unfold-up, hiding his face. He comes close to the window and lets the wind blow the collar down, his face was on the clear now. He was Bruno, his eyes shining in the dark as a wolf in a corner. He was a servant on a mansion distant a few miles from the cottage. Smiling he adventure to look inside the window, he was about to see her, the light was burning, and he tried in vain to have a direct look of the interior of the room. She would be awake, otherwise the light should be extinguished. He wants to see once more that beautiful creation, that could upset the mind hand heart of the most sensible man. Who is me, a poor servant to have the desire for a so beautiful and rich young lady? But what I care about being poor and not educated? What is important is my sentiments. We the poor people have heart, brains and desire as everybody else. Everything in this world could be accomplished with power and intelligence. I will do everything possible and impossible, to get her attention and her love, what will happen will happen. A low noise was heard, to distract his meditation, he turns and a silhouette looms at the other end of the patio, it was a man. While he comes closer, Bruno could see the dark rob with a white collar, he was familiar with that rob, it was the rob of Clifford with a white-fox pelt around the neck. It could only be Clifford; but what is he doing here at this time of the night? He no need to come at night, he was a guest of the house and could visit at day-time. Bruno hides in the dark on the corner of the house. Clifford walks slowly but firm, he didn't turn his head like Bruno; walks like a person who has nothing to hide and have a mission to accomplish. He came in front of the window where a dim beam of light comes out; lay flat on the ground an oval case, open it and after taking off a guitar close it again, took his hat off and lay it cautiously on top of the case. He starts to play a romantic melody, and after he runs his fingers a few times through the strings, began singing like a nightingale; a melodious love song. Christine was awaked from her ecstasy, confiding her thoughts and virtues to the Virgin Mary. She listens to those words in the song; all them had been careful chosen to announce the singers love for Christine, and arrange in a melodious consonance. The young virgin got-up and walks to the window. The music and the song came to an end abruptly. Who could be the mysterious singer? She opens the window and looks outside. Clifford she exclaims! Confused by the happening, she close the window and walk to the statue, kneels again; he fascinates me, Mother have compassion of me. Clifford was confused too; he wanders if she was offended by his coming at this time of the night. Become irritated, because had been his top man who gave him the idea of this serenade. If he loses her because of him, the man will be on the road. Still confused by her suddenly action, closing the window after identified him, Clifford walks away, this time faster, not looking back. Bruno had witness all that amazing scene, he was furious, never expects his Master was in love with that Angel; he wanders if she was in love with him too. What can he do, when he gets e rival like Clifford, rich and educated, singing his love and with all the time and opportunities to meet her. He was devoted to those meditations, when he felt a strong hand grabbing on his shoulder. What are you doing here? The man asks. Do you have the courage of spying on this Angel? Or are you in love with her? Miserable! He was Bryan, the top man for Clifford. Bruno was confused for a few moments, and was searching for an excuse as a way out of this situation. While he still thinking what to say, Bryan said go back now, and if you come here again you will suffer for the rest of your life. You don't have the right to look directly to the face of that prestigious lady. Who told you, I came here to admire that Angel? I did come here by impulse of love, but not love for the same person that attract Master Clifford to this place. I'm in love with Beatrice, the younger maid in this house, and I did come to try to see her, the light is on and I figure it was the young maid finishing her work. Who else could be up at this time of the night? The old man, didn't look convinced, but said go home and never come here at night, you shouldn't disturb people. I did follow you, because I never trust you, and better be careful because I will watch your steps. Bruno began walking towards his Master's mansion, while Bryan walks in the same direction, but going wide in the patio trying not to walk close to the lower rank worker. Bruno was furious not only with Bryan, But with Clifford the one on his way. He swears that they never will be happy, if they love one another, he should find the way to be between that happiness, no matter how he does it. About Bryan, he better be out of this, because he could have problems, even with the poison snakes that appear in the hills, if it was necessary. Now only one thing, he has to plan how he should get closer to that so beautiful young lady. He knows that Bryan wouldn't tell his boss what happens that night. Because if he does, Clifford would know that he had been followed by his top man, and even knowing that he cares for his safety, wouldn't approve it. In Bruno's mind was the possibility of being a messenger of his Master to the young beauty, that so much upset his heart. If that happen, he would be in better position to began his mission to seduce the young lady, no matter how much time it will take.


Clifford was in his house, happy because he knows she had seen him. However one thought was bothering him; could it happen that his action had an adverse effect on his pretensions? Singing under her window at that late in the night, wasn't a thing that could be just ignored, and the way she close the window was enough for his apprehension. However was the old man Bryan, the instigator, he has much experience and was the responsible for what happen that night. He was glad because he had be seen by her, but at the same time he was repentant and sorry, because he didn't know the outcome. Was pondering that event as if weighting the good and the bad that could had been originate from that serenade, and this was enough to scared away a good night sleep. Clifford decided that would try another serenade. For the next four days he prepared a new poem, and at night he practices playing the guitar, it seems that nothing comes good enough, for his presentation. Was on one of those nights that Bryan, "his loyal servant," faithful like a dog, knock at the door and presents him with a new poem, saying try this one, should be appropriate for a fragile innocent flower like Christine. Christine isn't an ordinary lady; any poem that had been profaned by your lips, isn't appropriate, Clifford said. My good Sir, and my Master, I wrote those poems, but my lips didn't pronounce those words, they came from my pen, and is with the most respect this servant of yours, present it to you. Clifford red those poems, and wanders how a simple ordinary man, could have all that imagination, and how he could relate it with the affection he feels for the young lady. A few more hours training his voice and fingers, and he was ready for the serenade at night. The night came and with it the hour anxiously waited. Everybody should be sleeping by now. Clifford walks the distance that separated his mansion from the Cottage of Clifford, the residence of his adored cousin, Christine of Dantes. "His loyal Bryan, follow him secretly, all the time ready to defend him if necessary". When he got to the patio, he looks anxiously to the window of the room occupied by the innocent beauty; as usually the light was on, "was this way, day and night, a lamp in front of the statue of the Virgin." The young lady used to stay awake on her prayers, till late in the night. Could it be, that she is waiting for me, for my song? She may get the idea that I would come again, and want to listen to my sad songs of love. His hope made him forget all the doubts he got before, but it was a hope of short duration. Could it be that she his waiting for me, or his she waiting for somebody else? George had been visiting the house lately, he bought some horses from her father, hope he isn't in love with her. Clifford's heart was beating hard now, those divagations terrorize him. Either way I will never renounce her effect, he though, continuing walk slowly towards the window. He stops, surprised; a man was coming from the opposite side. Begun to walk again, but the other man came directly to his path. Clifford stops and shouts; who is there? George Montgomery; and you are Clifford, I can recognize you. What are you doing here at this late in the night? If I am not mistaken doing the same as you are doing, are you in love with Christine? Yes, I am profoundly in love with her, can't sleep thinking of her, and came to serenade for her. Did she love you too? I don't know, I had been a friend of her and we play together all the time when children, but don't know if she loves me only as a brother, or feels any sentiment to me as a man. However I will do everything possible to get her love; said George in a firm voice. I'm in love with her too, and will pursue to the end the idea of getting her love and her hand. It will not be properly coming here to dispute her love, and confuse her sentiments. We have to do it in another way, and looks like we have to fight it by the sword. If you accept it, we will do it on the next games, nobody needs to know we fight over her. I will accept, but will be no blood. If I lose you get my word, that I will stay away from her, and if you lose, you have to stay away, and never come to this place again. Right, we settle it next month in the games, till then nobody comes to this patio. Right! The two men shook each other hand, and depart in different direction. Clifford was thinking, what a kind of man he is; he knows I am better with the sword then he, and have the courage to propose a fight to decide a so much important matter, it would be the most important fight of my life. George Montgomery in fact knows, that Clifford is better with the sword, however he may be over confident and facilitate. On those four weeks George will practice every day and go over all the tricks he should use in a so important fight. For the next few days, Clifford was feeling down; he uses to visit the Clifford cottage frequently. It was a house built by his father's grandparents, and inherit by his aunt, Chatelaine Clifford of Dantes, "Christine's mother." Now he wanders if Christine felt his absence, and what she thinks about it. He gave his word to be away, and as a gentleman of honor he would keep that word. The name of "The Cliffords," had been a landmark of honor and integrity for many generations, and the heir of that name would be sure it stays that way for many years to come. However Bruno didn't know what happen, he could see his Master wasn't so happy like use to be, not visiting the Dantes family, and not going to serenade his cousin Christine. It gave him a few moments of hope, could be that the beautiful offspring of the Dante's couple, didn't feel any attraction for the heir of the Cliffords. He decided to develop a plan to get close to Christine; would try to seduce the young maid he already mention to Bryan. Don't want to take it too far, but is a good alibi to go to the cottage. To begin the scheme, he pickup a dozen red roses from the garden he takes care of. Arrange it together with a few ferns, and went to the cottage to offer them to Beatrice, just to call her attention. After that he will be shy, and everything would take time to develop, giving him time to try some way to be seen by Christine. It would be better if Beatrice play hard to get, his only problem would be if she wants to accept him at the first round, but he wouldn't go so fast for a proposal. When he got to the cottage, went directly to the backdoor, that gives access to the kitchen and is used most by the workers and servants, as well as people who make deliveries. He got a surprise. Christine was coming into the patio by an entrance that gives access to the woods, with a little branch on her hand. When she saw the roses, came to her mind that it was roses from Clifford for she, and said; I take care of that. Bruno gave her the roses, and when she red the little note attached to them, said; sorry they are for Beatrice, I didn't know it, not supposed to read it. That is okay, if you like them, I will get more for Beatrice. I like them, but you get them to Beatrice, and they will be for Beatrice. It will be a pleasure for me to take them for her, unless you want to give it directly to her? Please do it, I'm not sure if she likes them, and I am afraid of her reaction. You no have to be, I know she would like them; everybody likes red roses, special when they are so beautiful like those ones. Bruno said, excuse me, taking one from the bunch; look to it, and looking again to Christine said; beauty goes with beauty, please accept this one as proof of respect and admiration from this servant of yours. Thank you Bruno, I'm going to give those to Beatrice, sure she likes them. Have a nice day Bruno. God be with you Miss Christine. Bruno return to his Master's house, wishing that Beatrice didn't like that color of roses; better if she likes yellow roses, and gave those ones to Christine.


However for Christine it was disappointing, those roses don't came from Clifford for her; they came from Bruno to Beatrice. Since that serenade she never saw Clifford, or heard about him. When Bruno come she could ask about him, but it could not be proper; furthermore she was afraid to find out he has somebody else to occupy his time, somebody who didn't close the window, interrupting a serenade. She even thought that her maid was luckier, getting someone who bring flowers. She gave those roses to Beatrice expecting to see her smile, but that didn't happens; the young lady red the little note, moved her shoulders up a bit, and put the roses on top of a chair. Christine asks; you don't like it? Yes, I like them, but they no mean too much, he still having them in the garden. A month from now when the season is gone, he will forget about the flowers, and I will be continuing to be ignored by him as use to be. The men are unpredictable, one day give us flowers, and make us believe they adore us, and next day they forget and go looking for somebody else. We have to be very careful not to fall so fast for their schemes; my mother uses to say, we have to play hard to get. It is the better way to get them hook. They always pursue the ones they like, no matter how much time and sacrifice they have to endure. Guess the good things are hard to get. Christine began to think that it could be the case with Clifford, one day he was lonely and decided to come serenade, but the next day he finds somebody else to occupy his time. A couple weeks passed and Clifford not coming to the cottage, he never was so much time without visiting the place. Christine spent more time praying in front of the statue of the Queen Mother. Supplicating to her; Adored Mother, why you let me fall in love with a person that supposed to be only a friend, and has somebody else to satisfy his whims? Have pity of me, keep away from me this passion, and give me the tranquillity I use to have. Many times when she was meditating in her room, seems to listen some noise in the patio, as if somebody was walking, and wait to listen to the sound of the guitar's strings, that never come. One day Bruno come again with flowers for Beatrice, but this time was other maid to get them from him. When Christine saw those roses again she asks; who bring them? Was Bruno the older lady reply. Next time call me to pick them up, I would like to speak to him. The maid felt that should go in defense of her younger fellow, and start by saying; it wasn't Beatrice fault, she never encourages him to bring flowers. She never picks them from him, herself. We don't know his intentions. That is okay, I didn't know his intentions either, but they could be good ones, and if she likes him, I believe she shouldn't ignore him so much. He looks like a sensible man, and I did play with him when we were children, and never had any complain. The older lady just replies, if he comes again I will make sure somebody advise Miss Christine. In the mind of Christine was the idea of getting some information about Clifford, from Bruno. May be he went for some voyage, but usually he always advises the Christine's family, before he departs. She has to wait for Bruno to come again; her father could know, but she wouldn't ask him. The old Bryan had witness that gentlemen agreement about the fight, and figure that his Master should train more before the games. One day when Clifford was coming from the stables, Bryan shows him the sword he has been cleaning and said; The Master didn't practice lately, the games are coming in a little more then a week, and we never know, this year some new people are coming. Could be good ones. I know the Master is better then anyone, but it would look better if you didn't have any difficulties. Clifford agrees to practice, and for the next few days, Bryan trained him with a few new tricks he had kept for himself for long. This was enough to get Clifford more relaxed, not thinking so much about his cousin. For Christine the only chance to see Clifford, would be the games, and she was anxious for the days to go by. Bruno had been around a couple of times, had spoken to Beatrice, but she played hard to get and he didn't insist much; the reason to come was only to see Christine. Finally the time for the games has arrived, many people come camping in the grounds surrounding the old Castle. It was time for the annual fair and fiesta. People come from far to show their horses, for trade and sometimes to adjust some differences that had been building for some time. The fights took place frequently, and it was a place of meeting for the young couples. Beatrice was there, and made sure to smile for some young boys, when Bruno was around, to make him jealous; the season for roses didn't arrives yet, and he had been absent for a few longer periods. Was on those grounds that a big platform had been erected, as the place for the games, that had been plan. They would take place, on the last days of the fiesta, and the last one would be Clifford-George, as the main attraction. The sun was already shining from the south, when the two men climbed the steps to the platform, after walking through the roped area, reserved for the upper-class people of the country. Christine was very tense, it was a fight between two friends of hers; it could be danger, and she would like to know them as winners, but somebody has to lose. After a few ceremonies, the fight began. First it was very balanced and courteous, but becoming very violent and tricky; George was scoring points. Bryan, who already had begun to commemorate the victory of Clifford, with pork-chops and wine, couldn't take it; had a heart failure and drop dead; he was pulled out off the enclosed area. George lost his concentration for a second, and while stepping back, out off a charge of Clifford, trip on a board and fall back. Clifford step on George sword, pointed his owner to the adversary chest, and demand; surrender, or I will nail you to the floor. George kept immobile and the flag of the Clifford's, had been raised. George walked ashamed through the many people shouting; loser, you are not a man to challenge a Clifford. While passing by Christine, George had his head down, and she could detect a tear rolling down on his face. For a young lady, with the compassion, moral and the sentiments as Christine, it was reason for sadness. She began to follow him accompanied by her maid Beatrice. George stop in front of an old niche with the statue of S. Joseph, that was placed along side the trail that connected the many cottages in the area, and gave access to the road leading outer town in direction to West Europe. Clifford after receiving the many congratulations from the upper-class people, began looking for Christine, and was told that she was following George. He became furious, thought George had a plan, not to respect the outcome of the fight; he had been dishonest and has to pay for it with his blood. He saw a man from the George's party riding, and taking an extra horse. It could be the answer, George was planing to take Christine with him. He couldn't let that happens, and depart to catch them. Just a few hundred yards ahead he saw the man with the horses; he tie his owner to a tree, and hiding behind some bushes, positioned himself behind the statue, listening the conversation between George and Christine. George saying: I'm a loser, don't have the right to look to a lady like you, I have to go away far to the west, and never come back. Clifford is waiting for you, is a winner and I know he loves you. He will make you happy. I will go to enlist in the army, fighting to stop the advance of Charles The First of France, whom has his army positioned to invade Austria. Christine tried to comfort him, telling him that those games are just to express a form of sport, and wining or losing them shouldn't be taken so seriously. Nobody could win all the time, and nobody will lose all the time. It wasn't a case of war, and shouldn't be the only reason to go to enlist in an army. She feels that fighting for a country is an honorable thing to do, but not to run from a temporary setback in a game. She knew that it wasn't as so simple as that, but tried to minimize the effect of a defeat that could had the same consequences if Clifford had lost. However George wasn't ready to come face to face with his adversary, and as a man of honor he should go away far from that area. He reaffirmed that will go to enlist in that army, only go back to put a few things in order and will depart. Christine said good-by, and went back with Beatrice. George got on his horse and ride in direction to his homestead, followed by his servant. Clifford was feeling ashamed because it shouldn't have come to his mind the idea that George wasn't an honorable man. Two days later, George went to the Clifford's house, and said good by to his adversary, before departing northwest in direction to Central Europe.


After Clifford had presented his compliments to the Dukes of Dantes, "parents of Christine," The Duchess, asks permission to retreat, she would like to leave the gentlemen alone, so they could have a more freely conversation. However Clifford asks her if she could stay for a few minutes more; please stay for a moment more, what I have to say to your husband, also needs your approval. I beg you for your benevolence and understanding. Those words provoked a smile from the Duke, he already discovered that Clifford had serenaded his daughter, and was almost sure of what he has to say to them.. Please stay the Duke said; by his word our friend likes your presence, and turning to Clifford said, please sit down, we will listen with attention to everything you have to say. If you have anything to ask us, please do it without any reserve; you may be sure of our collaboration. It will be our pleasure if you give us the opportunity to demonstrate our gratitude and friendship. In what can we help? What is there, that gives us the honor of receiving you? Clifford was feeling that he couldn't master the words to reveal his secret, but the moment had come, and the commotion has to be defeated. I ought to reveal a secret to you, and ask your pardon for my fault. I had been received friendly in this house, and I feel that I did misuse and abuse this friendship. The Duchess was surprises by the preambles used by their guest, before coming forward with a revelation that they had been waiting for so long. The Duke smile again, and with an amiable almost paternal attention said: My good friend, I don't know what you are trying to say. Please be more specific, we are like family, and could talk frankly and directly. If you had committed a fault, please reveal it to us, and you can be sure, you already had been pardon. Tel us as if you were talking to your late father. Clifford felt a little more relaxed, and began again by saying. I committed the boldness of falling in love with the most beautiful and most pure of the young ladies. This young lady, is Christine! My daughter! Reply the Duchess of Dantes. Yes, your daughter, that Angel that captivated my heart, and is the reason for all my anxiety. I believed I start to love Christine since first I had seen her ... at least since I remember. Clifford kept still for a moment, looking directly to the Duke and Duchess of Dantes. They look each other smiling, and the Duke said; I'm not surprised with your revelation, I was waiting for that. Already known you love my daughter. Who told you? George, he told me. Oh! Knowing that, I was waiting to get that revelation from you, so we can show you how much you honor us and our daughter with your love for her. You are an honorable gentleman with so many good qualities, distinct, educated and strong, capable of loving, and defend her. A man we would like to have as a husband for our daughter Christine. You had been sincere with us, why not be sincere with you. I'm becoming old, and was afraid to leave Christine alone, without a husband that could make her happy, and defend her from the evils of our times. "The old man let a few tears roll down on his face." We the Dukes of Dantes, would like to have the honor of giving you the hand of our daughter. However, this should be resolved by herself, our daughter Christine. His her future and her happiness. She is the one who should decide according with her sentiments. Would be disastrous and thoughtless to force her to accept a marriage she didn't like. If she decided to accept you, it would be our happiness, and with most honor we would bless your union. Do you know if Christine loves you too? No, I don't, reply Clifford. Well, we know soon. Turning to the Duchess, said please go meet your daughter in her room, and inform her of this gentleman revelation. As her mother you will comprehend her sentiments and wishes. We will be here waiting for you, to bring us her decision. I will go there gladly, reply the Duchess of Dantes, walking towards the area of the cottage occupied mostly by her daughter. Clifford was waiting anxiously, and the Duke, smiling and looking to him. The first step had been done, said the Duke; I know you had been imprudent accepting the fight, but Christine shouldn't know about that. I have reason to believe Christine loves you too. Now you need patience the answer will come soon. When the Duchess went in the Christine's room, she was with Beatrice working on a table cloth. Getting up she asks; what happen mother? Why you come to my room so suddenly? I need to talk with you, please come with me, "you may continue with your work she told Beatrice," the two ladies went down to other room, and stop near a window, away from Christine's maid. The young lady was apprehensive and curious, she detects the urgency her mother had to talk with her. She hadn't done anything wrong, but at the same time it was as if she has a heavy weight on her shoulders. As soon as they get alone, Christine embraces her mother, breaking the silence, asks; please mother tell me what happens? Don't let me wait anymore. Christine, my angel, not be afraid, nothing bad happens, but some good comes out it is a matter that relates to you, your future and your happiness. This was enough to confuse the young lady even more, not knowing what could be so urgent on her future and happiness. In her innocent mind not even the smallest idea, that it could be related with Clifford. With her hand on the shoulder of Christine, the Duchess asks her daughter, to answer the questions she was about to ask, directly and according with her sentiments. Sit here with me, and the two ladies sat near a window where a dim light from the moon was shining. Mother you know I will be open, without any reserves on my answers to you, please go ahead. Listen to me the older lady said. At anytime did you think about the possibility of a separation from us, your father and me? Christine was more confused yet. Me! To be separated from you, no it never happens. Why you ask me that? Did I have done anything wrong to deserve to be away from you? No, my daughter, my angel, you are so innocent that didn't cross your mind that soon or later you have to be away from us. Us, women have a mission in life to fulfill, and you come to that age when you have to begin thinking about that. If you get married, it is most natural that your husband wants to take you with him, away from us, your father and me. It is a separation that is hard to take, but at the same time give us pleasure and comfort. We feel very good knowing that when God takes us away, you have somebody to comfort you, to make you happy and defend you. Tell me one thing, did you think about any men that you could choose for your husband? The face of Christine blush; my mother I never thought about anything like that. Do you want to tell me, that you don't love any men? The young lady didn't answer. You don't feel anything in your heart about any men? The young lady couldn't answer, and was mute. Well, you have to know that a man loves you, and come to ask solemnly your father and me, to give your hand. Christine had like a tremor, and looks to her mother anxiously. The Duchess continues; that man is very rich and honorable, we, your father and I would be very happy if you accept him. You are the one to decide, you are freely to choose the one you want. Grabbing Christine's hand she said: That man is Clifford. Tell me frankly, do you love him? Clifford! Christine exclaims, and couldn't say more. She fell in her mother's arms and lets her tears roll down freely. The Duchess was sure of the young lady love for Clifford; why are you crying my daughter, it isn't anything wrong for a man to ask for your hand. I don't know mother, when I see that man, I don't know what happens to me, I lose all my concentration and my thoughts become confused. He appears on my dreams and it is like if I was seeing him all the time. Well, you love him, what you tell me is love; we have no time to lose. He is with your father in the room waiting for your answer. Can I go there and give them your answer? Mother I never thought of he being my husband; can I have sometime to think about my decision? I promise that tomorrow after mass I will have the answer. I myself will tell Clifford about my decision. Yes, you have the right to have sometime for your decision; but don't cry it isn't a shame to love a man and be loved. Mother that isn't the problem, what happens is that I feel confused this was too suddenly, and I wasn't prepared to answer so fast, but tomorrow I will. The Duchess went back to the room where the Duke and Clifford continue waiting for her, and the answer from Christine. And what? The Duke asked, what is the answer? The Duchess smiles. Please speak my dear lady. I come from speaking with my daughter, but I didn't got a definitive answer, this is a case too much important to be decided without a good long meditation. She asks for more time to think. Tomorrow after mass, herself will give the answer to the gentleman. Clifford exclaims, how long those hours will be! I ask your pardon, but couldn't you give me an hint? Not quite, the decision has come from herself, but I believe you can rest comfortable, at least she loves you. Clifford said good-by to his hostesses, and went home.


He couldn't sleep; she didn't gave an answer, may be she don't love him, but her mother said so, he has to wait till the sunrise and becoming shining from the South. After Clifford departs, the Duke told his wife; our daughter don't love him, otherwise she should accept him without delay. You are wrong, she replies, she loves him otherwise she had tell me. What happen is, she is confused and not wants to rush a decision that she could regret later. Tomorrow will be a good day for us. Meanwhile Christine went to her room; the same room where she had listen to the serenade a few months before. After she spent a few moments meditating, went in front of the statue of the Virgin Marie. Illuminate my mind Queen Mother, tell me what to do, have pity of me. After a long night, most of the time praying in front of the statue of the Virgin, Christine was relaxed, a smile on her face, signs of a bed night sleep could be detected. However she looks happy and confident, went to mass with her maid Beatrice. She attends mass at the same spot she uses for most of her life. When the mass ended, almost everyone went out, while she continues to pray, Beatrice touches her shoulder, and said; my lady, your parents and Mr. Clifford still in the church, they are waiting for you. She get up smiling, and walks toward her parents. The Duke Walks to her, Christine, Mr. Clifford is here, your mother told you, that he loves you and asks for your hand, please tell us your answer, you did promise. Yes, father my answer is yes, and she extended her arm to Clifford, he kneels and kisses her hand. Everyone cries. After they went to the Clifford cottage, where a lunch was waiting for them. While having the meal, they began to plan the wedding. it could take place in less then six months. Clifford will go for a trip to the Southwest, to see some lands he owns across the Save River. It would take about to months, and after that he has to supervise some remodeling on his house, to prepare it to the welcome of Christine. Bruno didn't know about the arrangement for the wedding, and was becoming a man trusted by his Master. Many times he was told to accompany Clifford as part of a party to protect him, when he has to travel outer town. A few days before Clifford depart to his voyage, told Bruno to take a beautiful trunk, ornamented with jewels, to the Clifford's cottage. Attached was a sealed envelope with a message for Christine. Bruno don't know what it was about, but became suspicious, it could be a gift. He didn't like it, but has to do his best, he decided to take a dried rose, preserved by him, by a process only he knows about, it was a secret that came back from his ancestors. When he did get there, ask for Miss Christine. Told the maid he supposed to deliver the trunk personally to the young lady. In a few moments she comes; good morning Miss Christine, I had been given the honor of delivering this trunk to you from my Master, and this is for you from this servant of yours. Bruno you sure this rose is for me, isn't it for Beatrice? Is for you Madam, for the beautiful lady, I think Beatrice didn't like roses from me, she ignores me most of the time. I think you are wrong Bruno, I am sure she likes to talk with you. She supposes to take this chest to my room. Christine told someone to call Beatrice. Her maid come, and Christine said; Beatrice, Bruno would like to talk with you, after you get ready take this chest to my room. Have a nice day Bruno. Bruno don't have other alternative, but to speak to Beatrice. He began by telling her how much he admires her, that he feels lonely, and would like to have somebody to speak to, special in the moments he feels down. In reply Beatrice said: You will have many more people to speak with shortly, but I may have to ask Miss Christine to let me stay back here, I think I shouldn't go there. What? Is gonna be a party on my Master house? No, Bruno I though you knew. Is gonna be a wedding; Miss Christine is engaged to Mr. Clifford. What? Are you playing? No, Bruno, everything had been arranged, Mr. Clifford is going for a trip and after he comes the wedding will take place. Bruno was upset, but how it happens so fast? I don't think it was so fast, we could see they love each other, but seems like she was the one who love him so much, but done know what is love. Only find after he asks for her hand in matrimony. But Bruno you want to speak with me, what you want to tell me? He was mute for a few seconds. I want to tell you ... I want to ask for your hand too; you want to know, now you know it, reply Bruno in a nappy voice. I never expect you did it so fast! Well, it is up to you now. Okay, but you should tell Miss Christine, because she is my boss, and will be your boss too, we depend on her. I don't know when I could have the chance to speak to her. I will arrange it, and tell somebody to advise you, now you better go we will talk soon. Bruno left, he seems not to be in his perfeit mind; now I fell for that. Everything happens so fast, but now I can't go back. Christine wouldn't like it, and would complain to Master Clifford. I have to go ahead, it could be a solution. At least when Christine comes to live in the Clifford's homestead I will be closer. Bruno was decided to go ahead, and ask Christine for her approval of his marriage with Beatrice. On the next day he asks permission to talk to his Master. E explain that he was thinking about going to ask Miss Christine for her approval. Clifford likes the idea, and ask if he was sure of being accept by Beatrice. He told him that already had talk with her, and agreed that Beatrice would ask for him to be receive by Christine. Clifford reply, these people are more practical then we the upper class. Go ahead Bruno, you have my permission. When Beatrice told Christine, that Bruno had propose, Christine was surprised; how this happens so fast? Yesterday he has the idea that you ignore him, and next he proposes. Well, Miss Christine it was the right occasion, he didn't know Miss Christine will be married to Mr. Clifford, and we talk about that. When I ask him what he wants to talk to me about, he appears to have problem to find the words, and just said; I just want to ask for your hand too. I told him, that we need your permission, and we agree that I should ask Miss Christine to receive him. Nice, Beatrice. When he wants to come? I don't know he has to talk with Mr. Clifford, and I suppose to ask somebody to advise him, when Miss Christine will receive him; if you ... please. No worry Beatrice, Mr. Clifford will come today, and I will talk with him, and tell you after; you are a lucky girl. Clifford, comes to the cottage to spend a few moments with Christine, and the Dukes of Dantes. When having tea, Christine was searching for some argument to further the conversation, and it was the right time to talk about Bruno and Beatrice. Everybody likes to see that couple together, they are good servants, and could be the right people to stay close to Christine when Clifford has to go outer town. Clifford suggests that himself would tell Bruno when to come to be received by Christine, and was decided that it would be the next morning. When Bruno was received by Christine, he felt like he was too small, he could see the difference between him and that beautiful lady, that so much upset his sentiments. Beatrice was beautiful too, and he was decide to try the lower rank. Christine likes Beatrice, and will like him too. He could see her everyday and at least be a good servant of her. Beatrice asks him, if they had decided about any date for their wedding, and when he said no, she comes with an idea. It should be before the wedding of the Cliffords, because they should marry before Beatrice moves. Christine decided to call Beatrice, and told her that she was telling Bruno that they should marry before the move to the Clifford's house. Said good by to Bruno and told them to come to a date, and inform her the next day. The young couple decided to be married in three weeks, and on the next day Christine was informed of their decision. Clifford couldn't be there, but it was better, this way Christine would have more free time to arrange everything for that wedding. She makes sure that her maid, and some times confident, would have a happy day. She was thinking of her owner wedding, when she asks the priest to officiate the ceremony of her servant. Clifford decides that after the Beatrice wedding, Bruno would be mostly under the orders of Chirstine. While they wait for him to come from his voyage Bruno was most of the time in the Clifford's cottage. It was a good time for him, wasn't much to do and Christine gave plenty of free time to Beatrice. However the Duke became very sick, he catches a cold while trying to cure impotency with baths in cold water. They tried to reverse it with steam baths and chicken soup. However it didn't work and he passed away before Clifford comes back. Many people come to comfort the Duchess of Dantes and her daughter Christine. This was an opportunity for Bruno to demonstrate how much he could help, and at the same time gain some power and position on the hierarchy of servants When Clifford got the news he comes back as soon as he could, but it happens a few days after the funeral. He got all the information of what happen, and not only Christine, but her mother had words of appreciation for what Bruno had done. This was the best recommendation he could have, and in a few time he was the trusted man of Clifford. The wedding of Christine, only took place about six months after the death of her father. Was decided not to have a big crowd. The parents of Clifford had been dead for e few years, and Christine's mothers doesn't feel good since her husband had depart, showing signs of poor health. However the church was beautiful, Bruno knows Christine's passion for red roses, and it was the season. Almost one year had gone by, and the Cliffords couldn't be more happy, the house wasn't as big as the Clifford's cottage but Christine loves it, she has Beatrice and Bruno she cold trust, and a husband she loves so much. She occupies most of her time taking care of the poor and sick people that comes into the town, and sometimes visiting her mother. After the death of the Duke of Dantes, Clifford becomes the most important figure not only in that town, but of all the others' towns around. He was known all over the country.


Christine finds out that she was pregnant, don't know what to do, and decide to tell her maid about that. The two ladies struggle for a few days to decide what to do. Didn't told Bruno for some time, but they know he could find out soon. Finally they came to a conclusion, that they will propose to him: Christine will be in seclusion for the time of her pregnancy. Meanwhile Beatrice would make believe she is pregnant, and when the baby was born, she would be the mother. When Christine told Bruno that he will be a father, he got furious and told her that it couldn't go through, but after she told him about the plan he agrees with it. For the duration of Christine pregnancy, everything runs normal, and the time came. A beautiful baby-boy arrives to see the light of the world, in a beautiful day of Spring; according with the myth believed for long time in those areas, that baby didn't cry at his birth. Beatrice loves the baby as if he was her natural son, but they had even other problem, she couldn't breast-feed him, and Christine has to do it in her room hiding from everybody else. When they decided to baptize him according with the tradition of the Catholic Church, the baby was crying so much, that the priest told Beatrice to take him to the next room and feed him. She looks to Christine, and the priest insists, he needs to be fed. Beatrice took him inside, and from a piece of her underwear, made a small ball with the form of a nipple, wet it on her mouth, and stack it in the baby's mouth. It works for a couple minutes, just enough time to convince the priest that he was fed. Externally the scheme was working, but Christine was becoming jealousy, because the baby seems to like Beatrice, and Beatrice felt jealousy because she couldn't feed him, and he supposes to be her son, and belonging to her. However they had been able to go on for some time; Bruno told them that if they fight over the baby, he would make sure he disappear forever, and the ladies didn't have other choice, but going along. Meanwhile the rumors began to appear between the servants, seems that everybody knows how things had happen, but everybody was afraid to comment it openly. One day Bruno got the message, the war was over, and Clifford would come back in a few weeks. He knows that if his Master discovers the happenings, his life and the life of Christine, would end on his sword's edge. It was the law of the land, and Clifford was a man of Honor; was no doubt how the scheme would end. Bruno told the ladies about the message, and the confusion took place in the cottage of Clifford. For the ladies the main problem would be the feeding of the baby. For Bruno the best solution would be, the disappearance of the innocent creature. Beatrice said, I have nothing to hide, but if the baby disappears you have to kill me, and everybody else in the cottage, because would be the only way you keep the secret from Master Clifford. Bruno answered, it is your problem ladies, I don't care about anything. A few days later everybody was looking for Bruno, but nobody could find him. They only know that he had order something that seems to be in preparation for a long trip, and the best horse had disappear. The servants became coming openly and saying; the coward did run-away, but Master Clifford will kill Lady Christine and the baby. Christine panic, she didn't fear of being killed, but it was her son's life that was in danger. She decided to run-away, and with the help of a young girl, that use to work cleaning the stables, she disappear with her son and the young girl. The other servants began to steal as much as they could, and just a few stood with Beatrice. When Clifford got back, was nobody to great him, in the outside, he got the feeling that some wrong had happen, went inside calling for hir wife. Only Beatrice comes out, but she was so scared that couldn't answer all the questions at the pace Clifford was asking them. After he comes down a little, she was able to begin, and she explains how everything happens, all the time trying to say that they no had other choice, but to cooperate with Bruno. Told him that Bruno was the first one to disappear, but it wasn't enough to convince Clifford that it wasn't a scheme they plan to be together. He started by getting men, and organizing some search parties to go looking for them. They have specific orders not to kill them, but to bring them to his presence. He would be the one to have the pleasure to kill them, slowly with his sword. Beginning with the baby, and ending with Bruno. He will be forced to witness the killing of Christine, next his son; he himself would be killed slowly. The search parties had been dispatched most to east and southwest, because Bruno's ethnic ancestry came from those areas. Despite Christine going southwest, she wasn't caught, the parties look for a man, two women and a child. Bruno went in other direction, going west and determined to keep going with his target of getting to Spain, one day in the future. Christine kept going in a direction that would take them to the Adriatic sea. However soon they run out of money, and the young girl was forced to prostitute herself while Christine was begging with the baby. After a long journey they reach the town of Zara, (Zadar), on the shores of the Adriatic. They start looking for some work, and trying to help everybody. A lady that was sweeping the front steps of her house, seeing Christine with the baby in her arms call her and ask if she needs food. Christine reply, I need food but I want to work to feed my baby, and pay somebody to let me use a stable to sleep. The old lady, was moved to see a lady that seems to be very well educated, on that state of misery. Told her to follow her to the house of a wealthy businessman, and after a long conversation with the lady of the house, she got a job as a sales lady in the store, and the girl was taken to help in the kitchen, and taking care of the baby. Christine developed good relations with the rich lady, and was able to raise her child fairly well. The old businessman developed some affection for the child, and as soon as he began to speak, he got an employ to teach him, and the boy got a good education. He learns the skill of sailing, and when he became sixteen the old man gave him the responsibility of commanding one ship, sailing mainly back and for across the Adriatic to Cape Ancona, in Italy. He was hable to become a rich man at the age of twenty. His mother was very proud of his accomplishments, but for a long time, she never told him who his father was. However when she was about forty-five years old, she became very sick. An epidemic of tuberculosis, devastated most of the people in that region. One day before she dies, she calls for him; given him a ring with the form of a diamond, and ask for a sword. When her loyal maid from many years, brought the sword, she asks her to stay and witness. Told her son, John of Dantes to kneel in front of her, and touching his front and shoulders with the tip of the sword said; I bless you Duke of Dantes. You are the Duke of Dantes, son of Christine Dantes, and heir of the four estates of Dantes, symbolized by the four corners of that ring on your hand. Your father was a rapist that abuses me, and a coward that disappears as soon as he got the word that my husband the heir of the Clifford's, was coming back from the war. John of Dantes thought his mother's mind was failing, asking her where you got this ring mother? She passed away. Couldn't answer to him. He looks to the lady, that had been his second mother for so many years, since he could remember, and asks. What you know about this? I know everything, she answered. You are the son of the most beautiful, and most important lady in all the region west of the Danube. Grandson of the Dukes of Dantes, and heir of the house of Clifford. She explains to him, that she was a child when Master Clifford went to the war, and how the servants had been dismissed by the foreman, and replaced by cowards that let his father abuse his mother, control her life and the life of Beatrice. How her mother has to runaway to save him, and how much they suffered before they reach Zara. John Dantes swear in front of his mother's body, that he would revenge the affront hid father did to his mother. Soon he dispatched some emissaries in almost every direction, offering gold as reward for the capture of his father, Bruno. With the help of his mother's maid; "Heaven Wolf was her name," he made a painting that resembles his father. Wolf told him that she could swear that it was the portrait of the man that rape his mother. Some copies had been sent to faraway places, but he couldn't be found. John was becoming desperate, couldn't revenge his mother's sufferings, and he had swear to do that. Thought it was the time to look in the area where he was born; may be the coward had going back. He began to get everything in order, before he departs with Heaven Wolf, she could be his guide and cicerone. Could even be the witness when he reaches the Dante's estates. Went to the docks to recruit a small army to travel with him, and may be to help him to reinstate the power of the Duke of Dantes. In the dock was a Spanish Vessel, that was on her first voyage to those shores. He stops to admire those sails, and the configuration of the ship. It was so different from the ones use in the Adriatic. Heard loud noises, made by sailors in the next bar, and decide to see how these people look alike. Almost everybody was under the influence of alcohol, and this older man was singing in a kind o flaming language that he could only understand a few words. When he stops singing, he said, I know this region and these people. I was born not far from here to the northeast. John felt the heart stop, it could be his father, he resembles the painting, just looking older, but looking alike. He rides to his house to get Heaven, he wants to be sure, and she could recognize the man. When they came back, most of the men already returned to the ship, but the old singer was jaywalking in the dock. Wolf said; looks like him, and going closer shouts; Bruno you are here! The man turns around, and the lady said, I'm Heaven. What are you doing here? He asked. You supposed to be with the Clifford's; come with me, and I will take you to the Heaven. He tried to grab her, but John grabs him from the back and shouts, you will pay for what you did to my mother, as soon as you get sober, I will kill you as a mad dog. I will fight you right now, and teach you a lesson, you never talk with your father this way again. Not now, but tomorrow. Now you will have time to pray before you die. Bruno whistled to his fellow sailors, but nobody comes to help. He was taken to a stable, and chained to a big stone that was supporting a roof. During the night, John couldn't sleep, he felt the curiosity of knowing how his father avoids being caught for so long. How he came to be a sailor in a Spanish ship, and coming back to this area, it has to be God to punish him. In the morning John came to the stables with some witnesses, he orders somebody to unchain Bruno, and gave him one sword. Now you have the chance to give me the lesson you had talked about yesterday. I was drunk, but now I'm sober, and I will never kill a son of mine, you should respect your father. Let me go in peace, and I promise that I will never come back to this shores again. John too, was feeling that he couldn't kill his father, and said go fast coward, and never come back again. Bruno began to walk, but felt that John wasn't on guard, and tuning fast tried to kill him. John got out the way, and grabbing the sword said; is your last chance, and when Bruno tried again to kill him, he fights back, and with just on blow, separated his head from the body. It was like if the heavens had fallen on him. He heard like a storm rumbling, but at the same time he felt a relief, his mother should be in peace now. He orders the body to be buried in the patio of his house.

John decided to go ahead with his voyage to the Dantes estates. He departs with his men and Heaven Wolf, going northeast, almost by the same trails his mother walk with him in her arms, when coming to the shores of the Adriatic. When they got to the cottage of Clifford, it was abandoned, and in ruins. Trees had grown in the patio, and the wolfs had built their den in the house. John decided to rebuild it, but when the word got to the town, some said; Bruno is back with his son. Those rumors travel fast, and in no time they came to the Clifford's house, and he thought it was time to revenge. He sounds the alarm to his men, and went to surround the cottage of Clifford. He sent an emissary to John, asking him to surrender his father before the night comes. Unless he does that, they will attack the cottage and burn it to the ground. John answered with a message, stating that Bruno was killed to revenge his mother, and his body was buried in Zara. But he will not be intimidated, it isn't the way! If they didn't leave the grounds around the cottage, they will be repelled with a lesson. Clifford decided to take his men back, but promise that if he didn't get the proof of Bruno being killed, he would come again. This didn't intimidate John, that gave orders to his men to patrol the grounds in the lands of the homestead. A few days later another emissary of Clifford comes to find out if John has any proof of Bruno being dead. This time John doesn't receive him, one of his men advises the emissary that if Clifford wants to have the proof, has to come himself, because Master Dantes only could proof it to Mr. Clifford. He would be welcome to get that proof any time he wants to come to the cottage. When the emissary went back, Clifford was furious. The son of his servant Bruno, was contesting his power to give orders. He not obey him, and refuse to receive his emissary. It was as if John was profaning the cottage with his presence. He decided to go there himself, to get proof and advice John that he wasn't welcome to the Dantes estates. He should depart from that region, and not to come back. Gotten a couple of his most trusted men, and went to the cottage of Clifford. The sun was already high in the sky, and the place was alive with people working hard to recuperate the cottage. The patio was already clean from all the bush and wild trees. At the gate, two big armed men stood in guard. Clifford stops about four yards from the men, and said; I'm Clifford, tell your boss that I want to speak with him. Our boss his busy, but our Master is waiting for Mr. Clifford, and you have permission to enter the grounds, but advise your men not to take the swords from their husks, it could mean their immediate death. My men would do what I tell them to do, and not ecept orders from anybody else. The guards not reply, and Clifford went in. John had been advised of the arriving of Clifford, and came out to receive him, in the front steps. Wellcome Mr. Clifford, I was eager to know the man that uses to love my mother. I don't care if you are eager or not, I come for that proof. Where is it? You have my word, he is died, and buried. Your word, the word of a Bruno! Mr. Clifford, it isn't the word of a Bruno. It is the word of the Duke of Dantes. Nobody contestes the word of a Dantes, without getting his life in line to proof it doesn't worth to be honor. I don't recogzie you as a Dantes, and you have to abandon this place in a few days. Well, Mr. Clifford, looks like you will have a hard time to push me out; but you are wellcome to do that. Never in the life of Clifford, somebody challenges him this way, if it was when he was a few years younger, his patience had already be gone. Now he decided to walk away, but advise; a few more days. When Clifford got to his house, he told Beatrice, that this man had challenge him, and called himself the Duke of Dantes. He has to fight him. Beatrice tried to convince him, that John has the right to stay there, he is the son of Christine, and the only heir of the Dantes. She was remembering the baby she had loved so much, besides she has a young boy fathered by Clifford, and don't want to see him with no father. She told him; it wasn't John's fault to come to this world. It was his father, and if he is died, everything is taken care of. Meanwhile Beatrice went to church, and when on her way out, she saw other lady coming out. She looks familiar; Beatrice slowdown her pace and let the other lady catch-up with her. She began by saying; good morning, I believe I know you. Are you the girl from the stables? I was the girl from the stables, now I'm not a girl anymore, and you are Beatrice, if I'm not mistaken. Yes, I am Beatrice, I have a husband that gave me a beautiful boy; is Master Clifford. It is hard to believe, Mr. Clifford marries you, but if he did, it isn't legal, because you had been married to that monster, "Bruno," who was killed just less then two months ago. Master John revenge the honor of his mother; took him time, but finally he find your lover and complice, and not even the fact of being his father, save his pelt. I don't care if you believe or not, but I have a sun from Clifford, and he loves his child. Beatrice knows it was a mistake to say she have an husband, but the truth is, Clifford was the father, and he loves his son. She still being followed by the shadow of Christine. She was afraide she could come back to steal the love of Clifford. What you did to Christine? Did you stole her baby? No, but I did help her to become a very important lady in Zara. Not like somebody else who uses her disgraces, to try stealing her husband. She did pass away, but not before telling her son what your husband did to her, and how coward, you and all the others had been. Bruno already paid, and the others better run for cover, because they could have the same end. Beatrice replies, you may tell your Master, that he just have a few days to stay in the cottage, he will regret that he had come back. Beatrice was afraid of what John could do to Clifford, or even to herself, she did abandon him and Christine at the moment they need more help, but she wasn't sure if Christine wants to join Bruno. She would like to tell Clifford about the death of Christine, to get away from him those persistent thoughts about revenging his honor. However, she doesn't want to tell him about her encounter with Wolf, and was afraid that John could challenge Clifford again. Besides she told that he was her husband, and he may not like the way she presents herself. It would be good if they depart from the cottage before anything else happens. A few days had gone, and John still working in the cottage with his men. Clifford was furious, he has to challenge him to a fight. Told Beatrice what he was about to do. She began by telling him that he already advises him to get out, or would be pushed out by your men. Now what you have to do is; order your men to go there and push him out. You don't have to fight people from other class, besides he could be tricky. If he killed Bruno he as to be dangerous. Finally Clifford agrees, he would send his men to push him out, gave them specific orders to kill his men, and make him walk alive, in humiliation, from the place. A few days later everything was ready, the men went to the cottage, to get ready from John and his men. When they got there, it looks like the place was empty. One man went to inspect the place, but was met at the bottom of the steps by John, who ask him, what you come to do? To push you out off the place, orders from Master Clifford. He shouldn't do that, I never expect him of being a coward, you go back and tell him, I don't fight boys. Let he come himself. I'm not a boy, and you get outer here as my Master orders, or get your sword and die like a man. John jump on him, and wrestled him to the ground, grab his arms, twisted them to his back, and tie his hands with a lace from his boots. Kicking his back said; tell your Master we don't kill boys. All the other men come to storm the cottage, but while John stood on his door fighting anyone who tried to enter, his men came around encircling the Clifford's men. The fight was furious and last some time, but on the end all the Clifford's men had been killed with the exception of the one with his hands tied. While on the John's side everybody was alive, and with minor injuries. They collect all the swords, made a bundle, tied it on the back of the surviving man, and send him back to Clifford. When the man got to Clifford's mansion, somebody calls the Master, telling him a man is coming back with the big bundle of swords. He got the idea that they would belong to the John's men, and was coming out to commemorate the victory, but the man was asking. Please untie this from my back, I'm dyeing; we have to runaway Master, those men have the devil inside them, they kill everybody but one, to use me to carry the swords. Their Master told me, to tell my Master to send men to carry the bodies as a proof of they being killed. How it happens? Clifford asks, with his voice almost inaudible, with so much commotion and anger. How could you cowards, be defeated by a bunch of fishmongers from the Adriatic? You deserve it; get outer here or I finish what they left. The man runaway to the stables hiding inside it. A few minutes later Clifford wants to talk with the man, to know more about what happen, but he was hiding under the crib, and never comes out. The mansion, seems too small for Clifford, he moves at a fast pace from place to place, from window to window, like a bird in a cage. Beatrice came to try to comfort him, but he shouts, get outer here because I'm gonna kill someone. Beatrice runs to the kitchen, but wasn't even there, when he calls, bring me a jar of wine. She comes fast with the wine, he lifts it to his lips, but before he drinks from it, throw it against the wall. Pieces fly all over the place, as if they already discover dynamite. He went himself getting another wine jar, and drink all the contents without taking it from his mouth. Next he pickup a sword from the wall, walk close to the window, stabs the wall and left the weapon there. Furthermore he walks to a padded bench and lets his body fell on it. Beatrice came around a few times to check on him as if he was a baby, and advise all the workers not to make any noise.


Meanwhile in the Clifford's cottage a party was going on to commemorate the victory. John didn't drink much, he wants to stay sober, and order a few of the men to stay on guard. Not because he was afraid from the men of Clifford, he knows he wouldn't attack without getting another party organized. However they had to guard from the wolves. the smell of blood was filling the air, and the howling in the wild was constante. John had to order more men to guard the bodies during the night, he wants to turn all the bodies to Clifford. To his surprise, in three days nobody came to get them, and he doesn't want to force his men to dig any graves. Now they got a few horses, and with ropes pull them to the woods. It would be a matter of days before they disappear completely. Now it was the time to organize and began to take control of the Dantes estates. Put together some parties to go collecting the taxes. Those taxes consist of sacks of grain, pelts. olive oil, honey and livestock. Some of those commodities had been exchanged for horses and arms to organize an army to protect from Clifford, who was busy organizing an army with people, most of them veterans from the war that had brought him so much disgrace. In to years, John Dantes wasn't only controlling the estates of Dantes, most to the east, but his fortune in Zara. Everything was run by rank, as in an army. An hierarchy of workers and fighters, merchants and travelers, who use different trails, even across borders, from the Adriatic to the east of the Danube. On the grounds around the cottage of Charles Clifford, a village was built to be inhabited by the Dante's people. However Clifford didn't forget the defeat his men suffered at the hands of the men of Dantes. He got in his mind that it will be a matter of time before he get an army strong enough to challenge and run-over the hosts of John Dantes From time to time a man from the Clifford's gang was caught spying on the people of the Dantes organization. Those actions began to cause some complications, and a few people had been killed. John was decided to keep the trails safe for his collectors and travelers, and sent some parties of two or three men patrolling in the areas most used by his people. Most of the time when they encounter people from the Clifford side, it invariable lead to a fight. Clifford figure that his army was strong enough to do battle with the John's hosts, and began to concentrate his people in position to attack. John who has men spying for long time, was waiting for that to happen, and had prepared the ground, and positioned his men ready for battle. On a Spring day, when the sun began to rise in the horizon, Clifford gave orders to his men to advance, just to be met a few hundred yards ahead, by the men of John Dantes. It was a furious battle, for almost all day, they went back and for, many people had been killed on the two sides. Before sunset, the battle was almost stopped, only an isolated contact here or there, between the people whom had the task of retrieving the killed and injured. The night was quite, but the two sides use the time to concentrate more people, and plan the battle for the next day. Either side was determined to get it over and forever. This time they will go all the way. After counting his losses, Clifford, got one idea, challenge John for a duel, he was quite sure he could resolve the problem without losing all those men. He had been in front of the most feared adversaries, and all the times he did come out without the smallest injure. Only George gave him some problems, but on the end the experience prevailed, and he had to walk humiliated. This time John wouldn't go humiliated, but his men should walk with his body. He sent a message to John Dantes, telling him that they could resolve the problem by themselves, they don't have any need to sacrifice more men. If he agrees, they will fight it to the end by themselves. John agrees with the proposal, and sent an emissary to negotiate, how and where the event would take place. Meanwhile would be some kind of truce between the two armies. Taking advantage of the truce, Heaven Wolf crosses the line to go to church. She wants to pray for the victory of John, and the success of the Dantes Dynasty. While kneeling in front of the statue of Saint Joseph, she recognizes the lady on the side, holding her face between her hands, and sobbing in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary. After her prayers, Heaven comes up and looks to the lady; she comes up as well. They look on the face of each other, walk to each other, and embrace. After a few seconds they let go, and looking each other again, Beatrice said; we have to do some, I can't afford to lose the father of my child. Heaven reply. John will be father soon, when the new moon comes out, he should live to see his offspring. The poor girl is devastated with the news of the fight. You right we have to do some! The two ladies swear that they will do anything possible to avoid the fight, even if they have to come between them at the last moment. They went home decided to pursue their intentions, trying to avoid the duel. However those men were decided to keep their word, and the preparations have to continue. The negotiators agree that the fight would be at the same place where Clifford defeated George. It would be decisive, and one of them would die. The other would take over all the possessions belonging to his adversary. The two men use all the time they could master, to train for the duel. They did it so vigorously, that some of the men, who had the misfortune of being their trainers, lost their lives. Finally the day came, all the grownup people of the town assemble to see the fight, and it was visible; they were divided, all have their interests depending from who would win or lose. Two men climbed the steps to the platform, shake their hand, and talk for a few minutes. They exchange swords, examined them and exchange it again. After they signal down to the people, and other two men climbed the steps. By order of the two first men, they positioned themselves on opposit sides on the platform. The two men that come first to the platform, walk to them and gave the swords. At this time, two women dressed in dark clothing, one with a child by her hand, and the other with a bundle wrapped in a blanket climb to the platform. Despite the objections from the men, the ladies come between the two rivals, and Heaven asks; just a moment Master John, please see your two baby girls, that just came to see the light of the world. John turning to Clifford said, give me a moment. Clifford reply, you have all the time in the world, and I have a son to grow. He grabs his son's hand, and walk down the steps. John pick-up his babies, and walks out off the platform, while many people in the crowd wipe their tears.


Augusto A. Ferreira 23 Kraseman Street So. Dartmouth, MA 02748