main | the representational archives | Rosalee | portrait of a girl in purple | nu dans le bain | Jean-Michelle in her B.V.D.'s, or chili in Barbary with variation | a satire or some such | bomb (embarras de richesses the honorable) | projection | the other view of history | 12 in the matinee | mad about the something | the limits of knowledge (au libraire) | possibilities of the plastic purse | newsroom | Ubus | tuchas offen tisch
nu dans le bain
"O my songs... "
the golden red apples hang
like chimneys before the ports
of call that cherry red hid
store of treasure above the forests
here the water in a few sprinkles
savvies the groin sparkles the head
makes the lips smile eyes open
and it is unhappy over the years
it is grown out of fashion