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a satire or some such

among the true believers in the Westside
(who are like believers in the East
South or North) in the crummy palaces
huge and senseless already obsolescent
madder than a hatter's tea party
rising o'er the highway like Kerouac's cloud
seeing from the sunny flattop parking lot nine stories tall
the green hills blue bay with sailing people
and the wide plain for miles and miles and miles

    The People's Choice
    mirrors officialdom
    like two fat boys
    Tweedledee and Tweedledum

    such a tight ship here
    naught is chance
    the air is nippier
    than a snowball's lance

    not much to say now
    here it comes splat!
    cold as the Sino-
    Russian concordat

one has no thoughts for thoughts are mere reflections
here is the sky and under it the blue bay
with sailing craft going to and fro
and the green hills and there the city
that can afford to be idle and make mock