W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
it was created in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. W3C has around 500 Member organizations from all over the world and has earned international recognition for its contributions to the growth of the Web...
DynamicDrive - Extraterrestrially cool effects 2 put on your site!!
ResourcesGraphics - Free graphics 4 your site - offered by volunteers...
CHECK THIS OUT!! - spicing up your site - Live background viewer...
this is a really cool effect that stimulates user inter-action with their surfing experience... u know, customising!! ...and who doesn't like feeling at home with your own preferences???
what happens is that when the page loads initially, there is a default background image & if you want 2 check what the page looks like with a different background image, you CAN!! - All you need 2 do is 2 point your mouse at the desired image below and left-click on it... sometimes with slow internet connections it might take a while, so b patient if its not an instant result & your choice will load automatically as the new background!!
and as i learn more 'bout user inter-activity, i'll expand the list of preferences that you can change 2 create your own look & feel 2 completely optimise your surfing experience... so, mail me your comments/suggestions/complaints (at cristolouw@hotmail.com or cristolouw@yahoo.com) & come back 2 feel the difference...
CHaSKi's Resource 4 webpage-building help, html, website building, tips & tricks, spicing up your site, live background viewer, really cool effect that stimulates user inter-action with the surfing experience, customising, customize, feeling at home with your own preferences, different background image