Background music is "Breakout," by Swing Out Sister, courtesy of CPR's MIDI Archives...

I believe in giving people credit for the work that they have done... and the links that follow are those of sites where I have gotten my music files, and many of my picture files... I did all my backgrounds, and all of my title graphics, too, so please ask first, if you want to use any of them... or at least give me credit...

*The Fox gets onto a soapbox*

I don't use pics that it's obvious that I should not take... and I certainly don't believe in linking to graphics on other sites if I can help it! It really pisses me off when someone puts up a site that is nothing but stolen graphics/HTML... I know that a lot of work goes into getting pics done up for a webpage, and that it's so easy just to snag a pic that you like and put it up on your page, without giving any thought to the person who took the time to scan the thing, and touch it up before uploading it... think of how it would feel if YOU worked hard to put up a webpage and someone else linked to it and made people think that it was their own... you'd feel like they stole your stuff, right? It's different when the shoe's on the other foot, eh? Just a little food for thought...

*jumps down from soapbox* And now, here is that list of pages from whence I got my sound files, and many of my image files:

The Royal Fool's Wedding Peach Page
This page no longer exists; the above link is just a memorial...
Mike Shaikun's Animated GIF Page
Another page that I've gotten gifs from...
The Anime Pavilion MIDI Page...
Alun Waterhouse's Multi-MIDIZone
Sean's Totally Radical MIDI Page
The DX Themes Page
Strictly Soundtracks
Korendir's Anime Sounds Page
Digital Sushi
PSM Online
Geisen Online
Saturnchild's Saturn Stuff
Pam Green's Attack Of The Anime Toys!
The Unofficial Billie Piper Website - Multimedia Page
WWF IS WAR! - The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels - Picture Gallery?(Another dead page...)
CPR's MIDI Archives

I know that there are a few pages out there that I have taken images from, but right now, I can't remember their addresses, or even their names... to them, I say "gomen nasai" (that's "I'm sorry" in Japanese)... when I find out what their addresses are, I will most certainly give them credit for their work... until then, thanks for stopping by, and have fun throughout the site!