I love my darling M-Chan!

This page is for my one and only M-Chan... the song is "Suteki Da Ne," from Final Fantasy X (and courtesy of the David's Unofficial Final Fantasy X)... and yes, it is indeed beautiful ("suteki da ne" means "isn't it beautiful?" :)

I love my darling M-Chan with all my heart... he's absolutely the most wonderful man that I have ever met... I thank God every day for his warm heart, his gentle touch, his irreverent sense of humor, and his good looks... just how did I end up so lucky?

M-Chan and I might never have happened if it weren't for the 'net, because that's where we met! I used to laugh at people who said that they had met the true love of their life over the 'net... I just didn't think it was possible... *eating a big piece of humble pie a la mode* I still don't actively advocate meeting people this way, but if both parties keep it honest, things CAN work out...

M-Chan and I met in a now-defunct Sailor Moon chat room WAY back in May '96... I think we kind of clicked because we weren't really hip on chatting with 12-year-olds (we were both at least 18)... we started e-mailing... and when I lost my 'net access for a while, I called him at work... he WAS freaked out a bit at first, but we wound up talking on the phone practically every day... we exchanged pictures... in July, I got the courage to tell him that I loved him... boy, was I NERVOUS! Turns out that he had the same feelings, too... October 4, 1996... I stepped off the plane at LAX and came face-to-face with M-Chan's handsome face for the first time... what a magical moment... we held hands like we'd been doing it forever... and that was the beginning... February 1, 1998... I moved to California to be closer to him... things have been wonderful ever since...

To set the record straight, M-Chan and I were NOT cyber-boyfriend and cyber-girlfriend to begin with... though we did fall in love without actually seeing the other in real life, we didn't play the c-girl/guy thing until after we met face to face... we do now consider ourselves a cyber-couple, in addition to being a real-life couple...

Since I have a gallery of my pics, here's a pic of M-Chan...

I WOULD have more pics up, but the only pic of him that he likes is the B & W above (that, and he HATES having his pic taken!)... therefore, it's the only one up... too bad... despite what he says, he's GORGEOUS, ne?

M-Chan also has a homepage, called The Stuff I Dig Page... it's not quite as elaborate as mine is, but I think it's a cool page nonetheless... if you'd like to give it a look, just click on the little dude below...

Take me to The Stuff I Dig Page...

I can't imagine my life without M-Chan... he makes me so happy... there's just one more thing I just HAVE to say...

