Unbreakable Following up the brilliant run-away success, The Sixth Sense, M. Night Shyamalan has produced this very curious film. Taking a ridiculous premise that on paper sounds terrible, he has made another moody, slow-moving, yet enthralling film. Like Sixth Sense, this looks at someone that has been given a gift, and shows how they come to terms with it and learn to use it. Although the mood and theme of this film are similar to the earlier one, this is not the same film. Here the focus is taken from frights and put onto drama, and the storyline itself is very different. Bruce Willis again puts in a good performance in a similar sedated style and Samuel L Jackson is excellent as always. I'm not sure about the captions rounding off the film at the end though. However, with a film as well made as this and Sixth Sense under his belt, Shyamalan is showing himself to be a fine cinematic craftsman, and his moves from here should be followed closely. 8/10 |