babylon 5

Station Name: Babylon 5

Station Type: Babylon Class O'Neil Space Station with rotating section(s)

Location:Euphrates Sector of Tigris System. (The star Epsilon Eridani)

Grid Reference: 470 x 18 x 22

Position within system: At the LaGrange 5 (L5) point of the planet Epsilon 3 and its moon

Length: 8.0645 km (5 miles)

Mass: 2.5 million tonnes (metal casing only)

Engines: 8 Tokamak 790 High Energy General Fusion Reactors

Main Computer: Crystalline Human-Alien technology capable of both voice and keyboard input - originally controlled by an Artificial Intelligence sub-routine that was shut down about the time the station came online. It became active when the computer was rebooted [Ceremonies of Light and Darkness] after the station declared independence in 2260. It was eventually purged from the system - much to the relief of Mr Garibaldi (it appeared to take some pleasure in harassing him).

Defence Grid:
Pulse Cannons
Incomming fire interceptors
Mine launchers
Plasma Guns
Upgraded in 2259 with 24 Quad Pulse Discharge Laser Cannon Batteries & various other systems making it 'State of the Art'

Starfighter Capacity:
56 SA-23E Mitchell-Hyundyne Starfuries - 28 are ready to launch at any given time.

Crew Compliment:
Earth Force Personnel: 6,500
Dockworker's Guild: 1,500
Construction Guild: number unknown

250,000 life-forms. This is considered the maximum safe number that can be handled by life and environmental support systems - but has been overrun on occasion.

Time System:
Earth Standard/Earth Mean Time.

Interior Parkland:
12 square miles

The Babylon Project  was an idea implemented by the Earth Alliance after the Earth/Minbari War.  The idea behind it was to avoid future wars by providing a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully and avoid any future misunderstandings.  At least that was the theory, but as it eventually worked out, it  failed, but in doing so, it became something much greater - a fortress of light to stand against the darkness.

The first three attempts to build a Babylon station failed as all three were sabotaged during construction.  A fourth attempt was made and a huge station was built (Babylon 4) - however it just disappeared 24 hours after coming online. At that time the station was considered lost (although it reappeared later - briefly). It has a story all its own.

One final attempt was made to build a station as part of the Babylon Project, and this became Babylon 5. Smaller than Babylon 4 due to a now limited budget, it was sponsored and partially funded by the Minbari Federation, which gave them some control over the station, especially in the choice of its first commander (Commander  Jeffrey Sinclair).


Babylon 5 is located in neutral space more or less central to the five major races that make up the alliance. That is, to get from one to the other, you would normally have to pass through this sector of space. So Babylon 5 is very much a port of call for travellers, diplomats, traders, refugees and of course all sorts of unsavory characters, including smugglers, criminals and people on the run.

Babylon 5 is in orbit around  the third planet (Epsilon 3) in the Epsilon Eridani star system.* Epsilon 3 was always looked upon as a barren planet, but in 2258 it became clear that the remains of an ancient civilization were buried deep beneath the planet's surface. Known as the Great Machine it has awesome power including the ability to bend time. It is currently under the control of Delenn's friend and mentor, Draal, who took over as Guardian - see "A Voice in the Wilderness, part 2."

Babylon 5 operates as a free port, a place of commerce, trade and diplomacy, where different parties can meet to work out their problems, so at times the legal situation can be tricky. Technically, outside the station is neutral territory, while only inside the station are Earth Alliance laws and regulations enforceable and these regulations are very strict. Babylon 5 has its own court system, authorized by the Earth Alliance judicial system to conduct trials which take place in the Ombuds Courtroom.

Anyone coming onto the station must be scanned for weapons, as understandably no weapons are allowed on station except for duly authorized security personnel. In most everyday situations Babylon 5 operates fairly autonomously - Earth doesn't generally get involved unless there is a good reason.

The commander of Babylon 5 is empowered to speak on behalf of his government as ambassador. He is on equal footing with the various alien ambassadors.  But he is also military governor of Babylon 5 so there can at times be a conflict in his two roles.

The life support systems are capable of supporting some 250,000 entities in various gravities, simulated by rotating part of the station. The atmospheres required by some of the alien sectors  are such that humans are not able to enter them without breathing gear and other forms of protection.

The primary means of transportation within the station are the Transport Tubes.


Hyperspace distance from major homeworlds: