Welcome to the first page of Team Trek. We will be the ultimate resource guide for your Trek pages. We will have tips, on graphics, contests, webrings, and trivia. Who are we, we are a committee, of Area52 Community Leaders, Cosmic Volunteers and just any Trek lover. Our Mission is: To boldly Go where no Trek Site has gone Before. To seek out new Trek sites, to award them to help them. Our goal: to have fun! Our Klingon Capital pages are up, Thanks Kragtowl ;) Our first Contest: Get your pens out Trekkers, Time for a challenge! A fan fic in 500 words or less. The top three entries will have their story on the Team Trek site and will win an honorable award from one of our Graphics Artists. Voyager News: Kate Mulgrew: I had to go back to work the day after the wrap party and do a day's worth of blue screen shots and suddenly it was over. The lights went out on the bridge And I was standing there alone. I would rather just think of it as a marvelous, great character to play. That will keep me from crying, at least in this month.
[from "Endgame"]
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2006,2007,2008 TeamTrek