About Us

Hello and welcome to the home of DeMarco poms! This site is just a showcase of my love and devotion to this beautiful breed, "The Pomeranian".

My good friend Elizabeth Hecket of Silhouette Pomeranians offered to create this site for me. As you can see, she's done a wonderful job. Elizabeth is one of many friends and exhibitors who have helped me get started. She's taught me patience and she's also introduced me to the Chriscendo line of poms. It is now one of my favorite lines as well. I just love the Canadian bred poms :)

I've been involved with poms for about 3 years now, and I know that I will never be without one again. I just started exhibiting and hope to be a breeder someday too. My goal is to breed the best possible pom that not only exceeds the breed standard but is also extremely sound. I truly believe that soundness of mind and body is the most important goal of breeding.

I don't plan to breed too much due to my work schedule and the reality that breeding and showing poms is an expensive endeavor. If you do it the right way! I plan to breed for myself mainly to have something to show down the road.

I've just finished my first show dog, Ch. Damascusroad Don Juan deMarco "Marco". He comes from a wonderful breeder in New Foundland, Canada-- Beverley A. Carter of Damascusroad Pomeranians. This page wouldn't be complete without thanking a few very important people who without their trust and support, I wouldn't be where I am today, most importantly Bev. It was with consistence, patience and trying to prove to her that I was serious about showing for almost 2 years that really paid off. I could never thank Bev enough for this special boy. Marco finished in record time. You can see all his wins on my show page. I hope to acquire another beautiful Damascusroad Pom in the future. I am completely hooked on her dogs now, and not to mention that her breeding ethics are above reproach. She is my role model for sure!

I also must thank Victoria Oelerich for doing such an amazing job training, caring and showing Marco to perfection.

I've met so many wonderful pom friends in the last few years that there are too many to mention. I'm a member of a few pom groups on the net, and I've been lucky to meet some great people, and even some in person. I consider them not only my pom friends, but my true friends who have gone above and beyond and are always there for me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my site and my beautiful pom family.

Thank you,
Renee Suppe
DeMarco Poms

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