For those of you who have never seen this site before, it may come as a shock to you, but this site has existed for quite a while; for about a year now. It started with Borri's wish to have a site dedicated show her and Bulma19's Gundam Wing; fan art and became a secret site attached to Bulma's Hideout.
The Dark Side is now dedicated to Gundam Wing art and fics and is the sister site to Bulma's Hideout.
So get ready to enter the world of  the Gundam Wing Boys: Quatre, Trowa, Wufei , Duo and Heero

Current Update
Chapter 11 of Lady Dante's
"Still Grows the Lilac" is up
Previous Updates
Book 2 of Lady Dante's Lilac Trilogy, "Still Grows the Lilac" is up.

Unfortunatley, Kit and Obsolete Love's fics are down for now, but hopefully I will figure a way to get them back up.
But now hosted in the Fan Fics section are Archica's "Broken Dolls"; as well as "The Liilac Princess" by Lady Dante. And a link to HINT was added.
Take care till next update ^o^ Natz

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