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Campaign with Rich

Your Voice: e-ONLINE FORM!

Your proactive voice in the non-partisan independent political movement*




* The revolt of Moderate radicals who want a voice in their governments. We are non-partisan independent voters who want Clean Elections conducted outside of money driven two-party politics. Government for people, not for political parties and other adversarial Bipartisan left versus right Special Interest Groups.

for a More Democratic Republic

Meet the IVA





for Change You Can Trust

Your Voice

Reader takes about 15 seconds to download to your hard drive, even on a dial up. Reader is needed to download the PDF campaign materials on this page.

Goal: Over 120,000 votes on November 09, 2010

Office Depot Copy Centers: Digital Copiers, Low Cost, "Photo" quality. Best copy quality is from your PDF file on a 3.5" floppy or CD. Good prices, volume discount. Bright white 24# laser paper makes brilliant copies, cost $0.02 more per sheet. Or use std 20# ">100 brightness" paper.

Your copy cost is an in-kind contribution to Citizens for Stevenson.

 Petition for OH 1 US Congress Access here, print. Circulate petition. Can download all materials needed. Help put RICH on the 2010 Ballot *

* Email us that you have a petition printed to circulate, along with your name and telephone number. Use a copy to get signatures. Laser printer copies ok to use. Inkjet inks may run when wet, use copies.

4fly2 Give each person you talk to this "RICH" flyer. Carry Voter Registration Forms to register new voters, name change, or address change.

Ask each person to vote for RICH on Nov. 09, 2010

OH Petition Rules
Download, Print, Apply OH rules. 84kb

District One Areas/Talking Points 99kb
Quarter page information sheet. Message: End the bipartisan culture of corruption in Washington DC.

Address to mail completed petitons, with all Circulator Statements completed:
Ballot Access Petition, Citizens for Stevenson, P.O. Box 9954, Cincinnati, OH 45209-0954 Questions: 1-513-251-3155

Goal: 2,792 valid signatures required; can turn in max 3X the required number, 8,376 signatures. 2,792 is 1% of 2008 votes cast in the OH One Congressional election. (279 circulators with 11 valid signatures is enough for ballot access (3069 valid.)
Secondary Goal: Collect over 2,000 petition signatures by May 2010 to file Federal suit in District 6 US Court to move the precedent petition deadline date to August, if necessary to gain ballot access.
Petition Deadline: 4 PM, March 03, 2010, Monday. Can you help? Get five valid signatures to put "RICH" on the ballot. A minimum of five valid signatures out of ten signatures per sheet on 559 petition papers is enough valid signatures (5 X 559 = 2,795). Five of ten signatures, 50%, need to be valid registered voters. Many individual petition participants will commit to get 20 to 100 total signatures.
To learn how to Petition, download the "Ohio Petition Rules" file. Any questions? We will certify you in one hour. Be an Active Citizen. Telephone 513-251-3155. Mail in five good valid signatures to Citizens for Stevenson, PO Box 9954, Cincinnati, OH 45209-0954. Pre-addressed return envelopes available. ($2,000 GOAL)

Ballot Access Status Shows the  number of petition

signatures collected up to the date shown.

 2010 4Flyer 4 per Page 120kb
Requires "photo" quality copier or printer.

Post Card Front 32kb

Copy double-sided to mail as post cards to absentee and other voters. Copy the flyer side, one side, to hand out at the polls on election day. Use heavy 67# paper (card stock) for mailings, and 20# paper for handouts at the polls.

Campaign participants can also print and copy as 24# flyers. Hand out to registered and newly registered voters. Can use for public display. Small enough to be legal in car windows. Print front and back on 67# or heavier paper, mail to friends, family as post cards. Ask them to vote for RICH.

Election Day Participants, at the Polls: Can you work two to three hours at the polls on election day? Your precinct? Plan ahead to do this. This can win the election for non-partisan independents. Give a flyer to every voter who comes to the polls on 11-09-10.

Cost: Mail Post Cards to 16,000 estimated absentee voters. Double-sided on >67# heavy paper: $343.44 for copies, $100 for address labels from Bd. of Elections, and $3,680 postage at $0.23 per card. $4,123.44 total. Plus campaign participant hours to cut cards, apply stamps/address labels and mail more than 500 cards each day for about 30 days in October 2010 before the election.

Cost: 3000 20# sheets. $105.00/12,000 flyers. For election Day, hand out at 600+ poll locations. Hand out two hundred flyers at each of 725.5 precincts, 145,100 flyers, $1352.15 at $111.83 per 12,000 flyers.


$4,123.44 plus $1,352.15 = $5,475.59 ($6,000 GOAL)


Town Hall Election Day Politics: Over 80% Voter Turnout. A Nationwide Voice for You and Me. Elect Candidates Who are Not Monopoly Bipartisan Party Ds or Rs.

 2010 3Flyer 3 per Page 152kb
Requires "photo" quality copier or printer.

9,000 copies are on hand to use for the petition effort. Give one to each person who signs the petition. (Or make and use 4fly2 flyers. Best.)

Excellent for literature drops at homes and on cars under windshield wipers. Parking lot use.

Cost: 3000 20# sheets. $105.00/9,000 flyers + $.
Participants can download here, print and copy on their own. Hand out to registered and newly registered voters. Ask for their votes.

LIT DROPS: 126,000 flyers needed for 126,000 cars and homes, cost $1,565.62 total. ($2,000 GOAL) Includes cuts.

Message: "Register and Vote...Good Government is Possible"

 2010 2Flyer Two per Page 131kb
Requires "photo" quality copier or printer.

In-Kind Participant cost. tHANK yOU.

Cost: 3,000 24# sheets $105.00/6,000 flyers.
Heavy Paper $174.97 for 6,000 flyers.
Display in community centers, work, school, car, etc.

"REGISTER AND VOTE...." Message.

2010 Full Page Flyer 94kb
Requires "photo" quality copier or printer.

In-Kind Participant cost. tHANK yOU.

Option: Laminate to weatherproof for outdoor rallies or display. Heavy paper. (Print double-sided?)

Cost: $105.00/3,000 flyers (3,000 24# sheets).
Heavy Paper $174.97 for 3,000 flyers
Participants can print and copy their own. Display in community centers, work, school, car, etc. Be creative. Bus stop areas, etc.

"REGISTER AND VOTE...." Message.

 T-shirt/Rally Support Sign
Print your own iron-on for T-shirts. "Mirror" file versions may be needed to print iron-ons. Two sides, front and back? Iron on bright white T shirts.

Will silk screen T-shirts when enough money is available to order a minimum of 36 T-shirts.

All designs. Print on bright, white paper or white t-shirts. To be consistent. 

Signs: Print support signs on heavy paper to hold up at rallies. Print two-sided, so design can be seen front and back.  Mix slogans. Three choices.

Signs Option: Laminate to waterproof for outdoor rallies and display.

Sign only designs, vertical and horizontal:

Car Display: Inside side and rear windows. "rwbH" may fit better inside the rear window near the top.

Red, white & blue and One-Color Blue; make your own, order, or earn T-shirt as a campaign worker. Use "mirror" files to print iron-ons to make your own T-shirt. One on front and back?
"Non-Partisan Independent Like You" 51KB -RWB -BLUE

"Non-Partisan Independent 85% Majority" 52KB -RWB -Blue

"Non-Partisan Independent" 50KB -RWB -Blue

($2,000 GOAL)

Billboard/Yard Sign/Car Display

Billboard: Are you a billboard expert? Volunteer to arrange for leases to get them up. rwb blue green

Yard Signs: Congress OH One

Print 100 at a time, with money raised. Sign.pdf

"85" have "85% Majority" in slogan area.

Billboard: Cost not determined. $400 to $1,000 per month? ($2,000 GOAL)

Yard Signs: Cost not determined. ($2,000 GOAL)

Yard Signs: US Congress (Second design idea. "OH 1" has a more bottom up message. Sign.pdf rwb blu

Car Display: Inside side and rear windows. Cars and trucks, print on your home or office computer for your personal use. Laminate to display outside. Also display anywhere with foot traffic and allowed by law. Consider "rwbH" hand held sign for car rear window.

Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out

 2010 THRO Ad PDF File

HTML Link:

Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out (THRO); vote every Senator and Representative out of the US Congress. Even the "good" ones vote for party interests first and national interests last. Well, there is Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont, now an Independent, like you and me. The lone Independent in the US House, Bernie Sanders, was also a Vermonter, now elected to the Senate. Put Independents and Minor Party candidates in the US Congress. Be represented. All new faces. Vote them in.

Some Light Revolutionary Reading

 Common Sense II download PDF from

The Overdue Voter Revolution, <220kb

Won entirely in the voting booth, both bloodless and joyful.

Every good revolution needs a pamphlet to get the ball rolling. This is mine for the Non-Partisan Independent Voter Revolution. Give a copy to everyone you know and even to those you do not know. Get on your horse and tell the bipartisan Two-Party Monopoly, "The Voters are Coming! The Voters are Coming!"

 Declaration of Re-Independence 124kb PDF Print Version

HTML Link:

Every good revolution needs a declaration of principles. This is mine for the non-partisan Independent Voter Revolution. Give a copy to everyone you know and even to those you do not know. Get on your horse and tell the bipartisan Two-Party Monopoly, "The Voters are Coming! The Voters are Coming!"

 Non-Partisan Voter Pledge PDF 54kb

HTML Link:

I wrote this pledge in 1997, a long time ago. I never vote for Ds or Rs. Jack Gargan wanted to Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out (THRO) in the early 90s - see THRO above. We still need all new faces in the US Congress, Senate and House. TODAY is always the best time for positive change. Elect non-partisan independent and minor party candidates.


 2010 Contribution Summary

Balance: See above "Summary" web page.



NOTICE: Your "in-kind" copy costs are not reflected in the contributions to the campaign. If you reach a level of over $200 in "in-kind" and other contributions the campaign needs to be notified so the contributions can be included in required campaign reports. 

Goal: $50,000 by January 2010 - $5 to $50 from "OH One" voters - needed now. $2300 individual limit. Starting today, now, will help build support for participation by the unpaid campaign staff needed to win.

Campaign Account Balance:

$??.?? from Nov 2004
Total contrib: Post in Nov 2010
Total spent: Post in Nov 2010
Total Votes: Post in Nov 2010
Cost per vote: Post in Nov 2010
Ending Balance: Post in Nov 2010

 2000 Election Summary "RICH" for OH One
 US Congress, the 2000 election.

Ending Balance: Negative
Total contrib: Less than $1,000
Total spent: Less than $1,500
Total Votes: Less than 2,000, very few volunteers.
Cost per vote: Fifty cents.
Ending Balance: $12.25

I Pledge to be Self Term-Limited to Two Terms in Office: Four Years


 Campaign Contact Information

 Home Page:
E-mail to "RICH" and Campaign:
 Phone: 513-251-3155 "RICH" or 513-471-1919 "Joanna" Treasurer
Campaign Manager: Position open - Learn Non-Partisan Independent Politics
 Fax: Will arrange, telephone 513-251-3155
Political campaign address below for your $$ contribution. Not tax deductible:

Contribute Using PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

Stump Speeches and Non-Partisan Political Videos

Citizens for Stevenson

PO Box 9954

Cincinnati, OH 45209-0954

Paid for by Citizens for Stevenson, Joanna Chappell, Treasurer


Contribute Using PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

Stump Speeches and Non-Partisan Political Videos

74%-94% of possible voters do not actively support any political party

Hamilton County, call 632-7001 or 632-7000, ext. 1


Butler County, call 513-887-3700

A vote for "RICH" or any other non-partisan candidate tells the two-party bipartisan monopoly that we demand foundational reforms that are crucial in education, health, food safety, crime, trade, foreign policy, the environment, competitive entrepreneurial free enterprise, and competitive open clean elections. We cannot afford two more years of an unending bipartisan two-party war with no worthwhile legislation to solve our nation's problems. Vote for qualified non-partisan or minor party candidates. It seems to me that we all benefit if you do not waste your vote on an Incumbent Republican or Democrat for any public office.

We all benefit if you apply term limits in the voting booth to all Incumbent public office holders. Career politicians do harm to our dreams of freedom and a democratic republic. As the years pass, career politicians serve only their political party and other special interests that support their personal political ambitions.

Contribute Using PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

  Stump Speeches and Non-Partisan Political Videos

Contribute Using PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

74%-94% of possible voters do not actively support any political party

Citizens for Stevenson





Town Hall Election Day Politics
2010 THRO Ad | You Can Win | Campaign Home Page
Meet the Independent Voters Alliance | OHIVA

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