4/4 time
The simplest 4/4 pattern is to the right.  This pattern is used for faster tempos, starting the band off, or counting rest.  This one is very easy for the band to understand.
picture from www.drummajor.net
picture from www.drummajor.net
The normal 4/4 pattern is to the right.  This pattern allows for musical style, unlike the simple pattern above.  This pattern takes a little time to get the movements correct, but if you practice often you will make it look easy.
picture from www.drummajor.net
The lagato 4/4 pattern is to the right.  This pattern allows for musical style and is flowing.  This pattern takes a little time to get the movements correct and timely, but you can do it!
Drum Major Association
DMA Conducting 4/4
Home Page

Drum Major Center




Pictures thanks to www.drummajor.net