Ready for some graphics? Some were made by me. But you won't see them yet because I haven't made them! Oh, great Kitzaku. Just get everyone's hopes up. XD Sorry! Anyway, You'll find uh... Wallpapers, to Backgrounds, and banners to buttons. ^___^
They will be Thumbnails. (At least the Wallpapers and Backgrounds will be.) So click on the image and you should get the entire picture.


Given to me by Shawazu


Given to me by: Shawazu

Made by: Me! ^_^

By: Pantha


Given to me by Shawazu

Send all of your graphics to:

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--Awards for You
--Toon Minded

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--Fanfiction Contest

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Disclaimer: I do not own Otogi, Yuugioh or Dungeon Dice Monsters. This is a non-profit site, and I am maintaining this in my own free time. Made for fun and amusement. Layout by Kitzaku and images from Shawazaa.