Safety Patrol

The VRS Safety Patrol is made up of fifth and sixth students. They are recommended by homeroom teachers and qualifications are based upon maintaining good academic grades and conduct. Miss Perry is the faculty member to help coordinate school patrol activities. Patrol Officers assist other students and adults arrive safely by directing traffic and crosswalk pedestrians. It is an honor and privelege to serve on VRS Safety Patrol!!


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Student Council

The Student Council is an organization consisting of a group of students selected from grades 4-6. These students must show exemplary leadership abilities. They share in the life of the school in the following areas: solve school problems, making important decisions, and voincing student concerns. Their responsibilities include a daily intercom message, assisting with American Education Week, hosting "I Want to Fill Your Shoes" Day, hosts/hostesses for PTA programs, and attending weekly meetings. Mrs. Nolf is faculty sponsor for the group.

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Supply Store

Operated by fifth and sixth grade students, the VRS Supply Store offers a variety of pencils, erasers, notebook paper, and other essential school work items for sale on a daily basis. Each student selected to serve at the supply cart must have a C academic average, possess good mathematical skills, and earn good conduct grades. Students work one week a month with a partner. These students gain experience working with selling items and most importantly counting change without the aid of a calculator.

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