Dear Parents:

The material included in the following pages is to provide you with information about Vaughn Road Elementary School. The policies, procedures, practices and general information stated here are for the benefit of your child(ren) and are sent to you so that you may be informed. We encourage you to discuss the information with your child(ren). We also encourage you to abide by the policies stated in the handbook. If at any time you have a problem, please feel free to contact the teacher or call us. We appreciate your suggestions for improvement.

Linda Sexton, Principal Vaughn Road

Mission Statement

The mission of Vaughn Road Elementary School is to utilize available resources and to provide a favorable atmosphere in which a variety of opportunities will be offered for learners to develop their intellectual, social, physical, and emotional potential.

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Vaughn Road Elementary School Beliefs

Students have the potential to learn, achieve, and succeed.

A safe and physically attractive environment enhances student achievement.

Positive relationships and mutual respect between students and staff enhance a student's self-esteem.

Students learn best when they are actively engaged in directed learning processes.

Students, teachers, parents, and the community share responsibility for the support of the school's mission.

Cultural diversity gives opportunities to increase student understanding of different people and cultures.

High expectations increase individual student performance.

Exceptional students require special services and resources.

Teaching strategies incorporate activities that involve different learning styles.

The unique social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs of each student are recognized.

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The philosophy of Vaughn Road Elementary School encompasses, as a guiding principle, the uniqueness of each child in all aspects of human growth and development. The faculty recognizes and accepts the fact that each child acquires knowledge in many ways and at varying rates of achievement.

We believe that it is our task to assist in the total development of each child and to meet individual needs. Therefore, we accept the need for providing successful learning experiences in a favorable atmosphere that will give the child a better self-concept of himself and the world about him.

Other basic tenets of the school philosophy include the necessity for preparing each child to be a responsible citizen; allowing them to assume responsibility for achieving worthwhile goals, and preparing students to make wise decisions in accepting social and economic changes.

As an essential element in the successful development of the learning process, the Vaughn Road School faculty actively encourages interaction among parents, students, teachers, and school administration. Varied opportunities for participation in the overall school programs are provided.

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The objectives of the Vaughn Road Elementary School faculty and staff are to:

1. Maintain a qualified faculty and staff that meet the needs of each child.

2. Provide a social, physical and intellectual environment conducive to learning.

3. Provide instruction sufficiently individualized for students to master basic academic skills.

4. Provide varying opportunities that allow each student to develop his/her intellectual, social, physical, and emotional potential.

5. Provide appropriate programs for children with special needs, disabilities, and competencies.

6. Provide creative and cultural opportunities through art and music instruction and participation in cultural events.

7. Encourage in each child a respect for public and private property.

8. Encourage and reinforce feelings and behaviors characteristic of responsible democratic citizens.

9. Establish wholesome school/community relationship through open communication between teachers and parents.

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To the tune of "YOU'RE A GRAND OLD FLAG"

You're a grand old school


A place of peace where we learn

A place of fun and care and love

The place where the future is made.

You're the gold and blue

Of our hearts beating true

On the road to SUCCESS we are

May we continue to learn and grow

We are proud of our Viking Land.



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School-wide Theme: TEAM (Together Each Achieves More)

Teachers will use many positive image programs in their classrooms to promote good citizenship and respect. Our major focus will be Manners in the Classroom, Peer Mediation, and Character Education. Through language development, as well as adult and peer role modeling, word concepts and personal responsibility will be taught. Our goal is to enable students to:

*accept the consequence of their actions

* use team building and cooperation skills

*use ethical decision-making and problem solving skills

* set and achieve realistic goals

*use time and stress management skills

* know that success comes from taking pride in your work

*develop self-confidence, self-esteem, and a positive attitude initiative and doing your BEST

* build integrity, courage, respect, and trust

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Student Conduct

A well-behaved student body is required if meaningful, effective instruction is to take place in the classroom. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at all times, and are required to conform to school and class policies and regulations. Students are required to show proper respect for the faculty and staff, visitors, and fellow students at all times. Please read carefully and discuss with your child the Montgomery Public Schools Code of Good Student Behavior, and Vaughn Road's School-Wide Discipline Plan.

Each teacher has an individual classroom discipline plan. In addition, we encourage each student to:

* enter and leave the building quietly

* talk only at appropriate times

* come to school prepared for class

* keep all areas neat and clean

* follow directions the first time they are given

* stay on task

* leave toys and valuables at home

* treat others as they wish to be treated

* try their best at all times

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Admission - New Students

A student must be five (5) years of age on or before September 2nd to be eligible to attend kindergarten and must reside in the Vaughn Road zone. A current certificate of immunization, a birth certificate, and a social security card are required.

A student entering the first grade must present a current certificate of immunization, a birth certificate, and a social security card. The student must be six (6) years of age on or before the 2nd day of September.

A new student entering the second through sixth grades should bring last year's report card. All students are required to have a current Alabama Immunization Record and a social security number on file before admission.

All new students must have proof of residence. (Current utility bills such as gas, electric, or water will be accepted.)


Exceptional Students

The public school system offers a variety of programs for students with special needs. Parents who feel that their children need to be served by any of these programs should inform the homeroom teacher and /or principal in writing.

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Arrivals and Dismissals

School personnel do not supervise the playground before or after school. Students, who are transported by automobiles, walk, or ride bikes, are asked to go directly home.

7:55 - First Bell

8:05 - Tardy Bell

3:05 - Dismissal Bell - For Bike riders, Car riders, and Goodtimes

3:10 - Dismissal Bell - For walkers<

*All students must be off campus by 3:15. There is no scheduled supervision after 3:15.


Entry to Buildings

Students transported by parents are requested not to arrive at school before 7:55 a.m. Upon arrival, students are expected to go directly to assigned rooms. Should students arrive before this time, they are asked to wait inside the lunchroom until the bell rings. Parents who bring or pick up children at school each day are asked to leave them and/or meet them at the side entrance door, rather than at the classroom door. (SEE School Visitation)

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Parking and Safety

The parking lot on the west end of the building (playground side) is reserved for parents who visit the school and transport their children to and from school. The area has been striped to provide a walkway for pedestrians. Please use this area for dropping off and picking-up your children daily.

The bus lane is provided for loading and unloading students who are transported by county school buses. Lane 1 is provided for traffic entering the west parking lot, and Lane 2 is provided for traffic entering Vaughn Road. Use the parking lot for your child's safety. All parents should drive in a safe manner and show respect for students and other parents.


Please caution your children about walking between or in front of cars. When you let them out of your car, be sure they are on the side that will not be opening into traffic, and that they cross the drive or street only in the areas marked for student crossing.

We can expect to have hazardous weather at any time. Please plan your schedule so that you are not hurried when picking up your children. It does take some time to safely dismiss the number of students we have.

Students and adults are expected to respect the job of the Junior Traffic Patrol and Policewoman and follow all traffic and safety laws.

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Arrival & Departure

A) Bicycles

Students are permitted to ride bicycles to school. Both school and parents should make students aware of the importance of bicycle sa fety rules. Bicycles are to be dismounted and not ridden on the school grounds. Please caution your children about walking their bicycles across all streets and intersections. If a student fails to follow bicycle safety rules, that student will be asked not to ride a bicycle to school. Racks are available for parking bicycles at school. Bicycle helmets must be worn. The school is NOT responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen bikes.

B) Bus Transportation

Bus students who arrive before 7:55 a.m. are to report directly to the lunchroom. Bus students are expected to follow all rules and regulations while being transported to and from school. Violation of these rules may result in the loss of the bus riding privilege. Please read carefully and discuss with your child the Montgomery Public Schools Code of Good Student Behavior.

Students ride assigned buses only. Permission cannot be given to ride a bus other than the one assigned. A note must be sent if your child is not to ride the bus in the afternoon. If your child should miss the bus or is suspended from the bus, please work out an alternate plan. It is the parent's responsibility to make arrangements for transportation, if your child misses the bus or is suspended from the bus.

C) Leaving Campus

No child is allowed to leave the campus (school) alone or with friends without permission. Discuss the potential dangers involved if such an incident should occur. A responsible adult must sign in each child who arrives after (8:05 a.m.) the tardy bell. Once the student has been properly signed in, s/he should go directly to his/her classroom. Should the teacher not be in the room, the child should go to th e office immediately. If a child misses the bus in the afternoon, s/he should return immediately to the office. Excessive tardiness and absences are automatically reported to Department of Student Support for investigation. (Students are reported tardy a fter 8:05 a.m.). Please pick up your child promptly at 3:05 P.M. daily. The YMCA-Goodtimes program offers after-school care for children from 3:05 until 6:00 P.M. daily.

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Parents are required to send a note explaining all absences and tardiness. We are required to report all excessive absences.

Please call the school to report any extended absences. Pupils absent due to these contagious diseases diphtheria, scarlet fever, strep throat, TB, mumps, hepatitis and mono must present a certificate fro m a physician or the Health Department before returning to school. A written note is sufficient for absences due to other causes.

We feel that every minute of our school day is important. Permission for a pupil to be absent or to leave school early for per sonal reasons may be secured, but it does not mean that his absence is excused. Note: "An excused absence permits work to be made up. An unexcused absence means a pupil may make up his/her class work. We are required to report all unexcused absences to proper authorities."

*NOTE: Parents of students who are absent from school are called by the school office on a daily basis. WE ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO REPORT ANY STUDENT WHO IS LEFT UNSUPERVISED IN THE HOME.


Transfer Students

Parents of students who transfer to another school or school systems, are requested to notify the school in writing two days prior to transferring so the proper procedures can be handled.

All textbooks, library books, and supplementary readers must be turned in before withdrawal forms can be completed.

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Administrating medicine to 50 - 60 students a day can be very time consuming for the office and may interfere with instructional time. Many medications prescribed three times a day can be taken before and after school and at bedtime. Only prescription medicine, which must be taken before or after lunch, will be administered at school. To ensure the health and safety of all students, please send medicine when necessary.

The prescription bottle must be labeled with the child's name and specific directions. A written permission form for the school to administer the medication must be signed and sent to the school office. (See Code of Good Student Behavior page 38) It is your child's responsibility to come to the office at the correct time. Samples from doctor's office are acceptable, but must have a doctor's written orders to administer, including child's name, name of medicine, time and amount to be given.

No medication will be given to a student unless authorized in writing and signed by a parent. When authorized, the medication will be kept in the office and given to the student by office personnel. No medication (including coughdrops, throat lozenges, etc.) is allowed in the lunchroom or classroom and should not be brought to school at anytime. When a child is self-medicating with an inhaler, a doctor's statement should be provided to verify that self-medication is prescribed.

Due to the recent research, which has shown an association between the development of Rye's Syndrome and the use of aspirin, aspirin will not be administered at school.

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School Insurance

Students will bring home forms during the first month of school. School insurance is optional.



If you have had a check returned to the school due to insufficient funds, we will no longer be able to accept or process another check written on your bank account.

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Parents are invited to visit the school and have lunch with their children. Reservations must be made with the food service manager at 260-1034, before 8:30 a.m. that day.

No food or drink, other than lunches from home, may be brought into the lunchroom. This includes fast food lunches and soft drinks. If your child is allergic to milk, please send a doctor's statement to be filed with the lunchroom manager. Water is available. If you send an alternative drink from home, it must be in a thermos or plastic bottle. Do NOT send carbonated beverages. Our lunch program operates on a self-service basis. Students may select:

MEAT OR MAIN DISH- Students may choose one of two meats offered.

VEGETABLES AND/OR FRUIT- A choice of two or more vegetables and/or fruit and salad are offered. A student may choose the desired foods.

BREAD- Menus may include breaded meat or something on a bun. Alternatives may include rolls, cornbread, or crackers.

MILK- A choice of whole, 2%, chocolate, and strawberry milk is offered.

Our school uses registers in the lunchroom. In order to red uce the loss of valuable instructional time, lunch money will be collected for the entire week on Monday ONLY (or the first day of the week in case of a holiday). We urge you to pay by the week to help us in keeping the time to a minimum, and to send the exact amount of money. We cannot make change.

Money for lunches brought on a daily basis will be kept by the student and paid directly to the cashier upon entering the lunchroom. Once again, we ask that you send the exact amount of money, as we do not have enough change for our many children. If a student has paid for lunch and is absent, credit will be given for the day(s) missed, and will be carried over.

When there is more than one child in the family, each child must bring his/her own money or a separate check and it must be for lunch only. PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS FOR LUNCHES PAYABLE TO VAUGHN ROAD SCHOOL LUNCHROOM.

No provision is made for students who forget to bring lunch or lunch money. You are encouraged to take care of this matter before your child comes to school. In the event your child should find himself/herself in this predicament, you will be called.

Prices of lunches (Subject to change):

Adult Lunches - $2.75

Children's Lunches - $1.50 (Daily)

Milk- .35 (Daily)

If there is a problem, please contact the lunchroom manager or the principal. An application for free and reduced- priced lunches will be given to each student. Please return it immediately. Applications that are completed and returned to school will be processed as soon as possible.

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A five-minute break is provided all students during the school day. Snacks and juice are available through the school at a cost of 40 cents. It can be paid on a daily or weekly basis. Students may bring snacks from home but must eat them during break time only. Please do not send snacks that contain sugar (cookies, cake, candy, etc.).

* Please send exact amount. Lunch and juice should be paid for separately. We can only accept CASH for juice and snacks.

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School Supply Store

Pupils may purchase needed supplies at the school store. The supplies include pencils, paper, erasers, book covers, etc. The school supply store also carries regulation paper and pencils that are required for first and second grade so that all paper is uniform for teaching cursive and manuscript writing. Supply store hours are from 7:45 - 8:05. Students who need to come to the supply store after 8:05 a.m. must have a pass.

Plain pencils- $.25

Paper (30 sheets)-$.75

Handwriting tablets-$1.00

Book covers-$.10

Pocket folders with clips- $.50

Erasers - $.25

Lead pencils- $1.00

Field Trips

Educational field trips will be taken by the various classes during the school year. Most trips will be made in school- owned buses with the regular teachers in charge. All parents are asked to sign permission slips if they wish their children to go on these trips. The permission slips will be sent home with the student a few days before the trip. Students who do NOT return their permission form will NOT be allowed to participate in the field trip. We can NOT accept handwritten notes. nor can we allow students, who forget permission slips, to call home.

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School Parties

Two school parties are scheduled during the year. Parents are asked not to bring or send treats to school unless asked to do so by room mothers or teachers.


Check-Out During School Day

Please keep checkouts to a MINIMUM. Your cooperation in this matter will be most appreciated. If a student must be excused from school during the school day, parents or guardians should do the following:

1. Send a written request stating the time and reason for leaving school.

2. Go to the school office and request to check out the student. (See School Visitation)

3. Check the student out on the checkout sheet at this time.


5. A student who is tardy or checks out of school does not have perfect attendance.

6. For more information refer to Code of Good Student Behavior.

Students are released only to a parent, an authorized guardian, or a person whose name appears on the registration card. Do NOT send anyone to check out your child without a written note. A picture ID is required for proper identification.

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Check-In During School Day

If a student reports to school after 8:05, s/he is considered tardy and must be checked in through the office.

1. The parent must bring the child to the office.

2. The parent must sign the child in on the check-in sheet.

3. The parent must fill out a student pass for the child to be admitted to class.

Telephone Numbers

It is imperative that the school is able to contact a parent at all times. Please have two current telephone numbers on the registration card. In the event that your home or work numbers /or address changes, please contact the office so the number can be changed on your child's registration card. (Written correspondence is preferred.)

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Telephone Calls

Students are NOT permitted to use the telephone except in cases of emergencies. Students are NOT allowed to call home for forgotten permission slips, homework, projects, notes to or from teachers, etc. Please make plans for rainy days so that your child will know what to do. Parents are asked to make after school arrangements with children before they leave home. It is not desirable to interrupt class work to deliver messages, except in an emergency. It is imperative that you adhere to this policy.


Media Press Release

A press release form will be sent home at the beginning of the year. Please read it carefully, complete this form and return it to your child's teacher as soon as possible. Please remember that Vaughn Road has a rich heritage of being the spotlight for many local events. This form will give your child an opportunity to participate in future press (radio and/or television) releases.

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Conferences with Teachers

Teachers are available for conferences with parents by appointment at 3:20 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Teachers DO NOT hold conferences during school hours. Please call the office to schedule a conference.

School Visitation

Before forming specific opinions of the school program or classroom instruction, please come and visit and/or schedule a conference with the teacher(s). We encourage you to visit our school so that you may better understand your child and his/her role in an academic setting. Students may not bring visitors to school.

* NOTE! Parents are not to go to a classroom at any time of the day without a visitor's pass from the office. This rule applies to all parents at all times.

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Guidelines for Parent Visitation

Having parents visit the classroom is an important part of the elementary school experience. By following some simple guidelines, visiting your child's classroom will be a rewarding experience for both you and your child.

1. Remember anyone different coming to the classroom is a distraction. Come in quietly and sit in the area the teacher has made available for visitors.

2. You will be able to concentrate on what the class is doing and enjoy your visit if a younger brother or sister does not come to sch ool. Do NOT bring friends or relatives into the classroom.

3. Talking to the teacher during class time distracts her students. Please talk to her at another time or schedule a conference through the office.

4. Relax and enjoy this visit with your child. When you leave, give them a big smile - which will make their day!

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Volunteers (parents, guardians, grandparents, Partners in Education and RSVP friends) are an important part of the school program at Vaughn Road. We believe that each parent can an d should contribute something to enhance the educational process of his/her child(ren). We encourage you to become a volunteer and give some of your time each day or week to assist in performing the many tasks needed for the smooth operation of our school . No job is so small that it can be considered unimportant. A form for parents who wish to volunteer in some area will be sent home during the first week of school. Forms are also available in the school office. Volunteers should check in and out of the office and wear a "volunteer sticker" while working.

Classroom involvement:

Media center

Room parent

Resource speaker

Book fair worker

Drive/chaperone field trips

Project C.L.A.S.S.


Classroom art project

Assist teacher as needed

PTA-Sponsored involvement: PTA membership, Building and grounds, BEST campaign, Breakfast with Santa, Teacher Appreciation Week, Fund-raising projects.

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Homework Policies

Homework is an important part of your child\ren's learning experience. Students are expected to complete homework assigned to them by their teacher. This helps reinforce concepts studied in class, encourages responsibility, and develops good study habits . Students are required to write down their homework assignments each day. Please do not call the school office for homework assignments except in cases of extended absences. When a student is absent for one or two days, make- up assignments will be given to the student when s/he returns to school.

Reasons for this policy are: (1) A child may have 2 or 3 teachers to get assignments from and some of the teachers may be at PE, testing, etc., when we ask for the assignment. (2) Valuable class time is being taken from many children while the teacher is trying to get the assignments ready. (3) Time does not permit the office staff to check with teachers several times a day to get assignments.

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Student Signed Papers

Vaughn Road teachers send signed papers home every other Tuesday for work done the preceding two-week. PARENTS ARE ASKED TO SIGN AND RETURN THE FOLDER TO THE TEACHER ON WEDNESDAY. If the folders are not returned on a regular basis, teachers will discontinue sending them home. Papers may then be seen i n the classroom upon request.


Severe Weather

During severe weather warnings, students will be placed in designated areas as determined by the Civil Defense. Every effort is made to protect your child. Checkouts during this time are discouraged for obvious reasons.

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Lost Clothing and Other Articles

Clothing which could be lost or misplaced by students should be marked with the student's first and last name. Eyeglass cases should be labeled. Each year the school accumulates boxes of unclaimed clothing. If your child loses an article of clothing, please ask him/her to check the lost and found boxes. If the clothing has not been claimed in a reasonable length of time, it will be given to a charitable organization.

Organizational Pattern

Kindergarten through third grade will utilize self-contained classrooms. The remaining teachers are paired. (This information is subject to change.)

The Language Arts program includes:

Grades 1-3: Reading, Spelling, Language, Writing, Art/Music

Grades 4-5: Reading, Spelling, Language, Writing, Health, Art/Music

Grade 6: Reading, Spelling, Language, Writing, Health, and Physical Education

The Basic Social program includes:

Grades 1-3: Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, Physical Education

Grades 4-5: Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education

Grade 6: Math, Science, Social Studies, Art/Music

Teachers who are certified in specific areas of special needs serve students who are eligible for special education programs. However, every effort is made to mainstream special education students into regular classes.

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All students are encouraged to check out books from the school library. Each class will visit the library weekly. During the visit there will be a scheduled activity and time to select and check out a library book. Scheduled activities will include reading, telling and listening to stories, and related skills and activities. A fine of five cents per day is charged for books not returned on time. Please encourage respect and care for all books. Students must pay for lost or damaged books.

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Parental Concern

If you have concerns regarding any situation within the classroom or school, please follow the administrative procedures as outlined below:

1. Express your concern directly to the faculty member at a pre-scheduled conference. The date and time of the conference can be scheduled by calling the school

2. If a satisfactory resolution is not obtained, please put your concern in writing to the principal. The statement should include: (1) the facts, answering the questions: who, what, when, where, how, and why (without substantiated facts, your concern cannot be addressed and will be returned to you for further clarification; (2) what you believe would be an adequate remedy to your complaint; and (3) what actions you would like me to initiate to ensure that the problem you encountered is not encountered by others in the future

3. If the principal is unable to satisfy the concern, then it is suggested that the parent seek a conference with the Superintendent of Education.

We are committed to provide the best possible education program for each student. We are also co ncerned with the general welfare of each boy and girl. We are partners with you in these endeavors. Please feel free to express your ideas, gratitude, suggestions, and concerns to the school.

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