Accelerated Math Program generates any number of practice assignments that are specific to each student's needs. One of the best parts of the program is the instant feedback given to students as they progressively master mathematics objectives. Each portion of the program is automatically scored. The student's mistakes and how to correct them are shown.

This program allows the teacher and student to access all objectives to be taught while documenting the mastery of the individual student's needs, abilities, and learning style. Accelerated Math aids the students in practice of precise skills necessary to move ahead at their own pace.

For more information, click here.

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Accelerated Reader is an electronic reading enrichment program used by more than 20,000 schools in the United Sates alone. This reading program gives teachers feedback about each student's individual reading progress over the school year.

Each student is assigned a personal identification password which s/he uses to access the program. The student first selects a book from the recommended reading title list. Students are encouraged to choose books according to their current reading level and particular interests. After reading the book, the student completes a computerized test made of multiple-choice questions. The computer instantaneously calculates the student's score and updates the child's reading record. The tests are available to students and teachers via the network.      

Accelerated Reader Program awards points to the student based upon his or her strengths and weaknesses. The points can be used as a basis for reading encouragement programs. Information provided by the Accelerated Reader Program affords teachers and parents with plenty of information about student advancement and educational needs in reading.   

For more information, click here.

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VRS is fortunate to have teachers willing to give a few extra hours after school to provide enrichment courses for interested students. Through the provision of grant monies, classes often include accelerated classes in Reading and Math. Also, computer skills ranging from the basic components and functions of the computer to how to acquire your own email address and website have been offered for all levels of students.



Disciplined Based Arts Education or is a program which recognizes the value of ALL arts in teaching across the curriculum. A visitor to Vaughn Road School notices the art posters located throughout the school hallways. These posters along with other pieces of art work and musical compositions are integrated within the core curriculum to enhance all parts of the curriculum. Often the artwork is the springboard for higher level discussions offering a well-balnced training of each student's mind. We will rely on one of our partners-in-education - Alabama Shakespeare Festival - to help our faculty continue to build upon the foundation.

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Manners of the Heart curriculum in an introduction to manners and etiquette for elementary school-aged children. Its objective is to teach children that manners come from the heart, not from memorizing sets of rules.

The role of the teacher is to provide a steady, patient guidance in training each child to be respectful. The role of the parent or immedicate caregiver at home is to recognize the importance of repetition of good manners in the home environment. It is the goal of this curriculum to provide teachers and parents a creative and hands-on approach to instilling important principles of manners and etiquette.

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Vaughn Road School is very pleased to become a part of the network. This program provides us with a k-12 communications service that brings together administrators, teachers, parents, and students through the power of the Internet. is a new online community of educational resources that offers our school a free and secure web-based system that includes a variety of tools that should improve communication and enhance the learning process. As community members, we enjoy a calendar of events and activities; an email service that links all members; a managed discussion area for school-wide or group-specific topics; a resource center with valuable content and information tools; instant messaging; and much more!

Look for immediate information about your personal family accounts. Welcome to!

For more information, click here.

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Project: C.L.A.S.S. (Cooperative Learning for Achievement and Student Success) is a Vaughn Road Elementary School enrichment program designed to enhance your child's education here at Vaughn Road Elementary School.

This enrichment program meets once a month during the regular school day for 45 minutes. At this time, depending on the nature of the activity, students are involved in community field trips, science experiments, cooking, acting, gardening, recycling, and much more.

We depend heavily on parent and community volunteers to work with the teachers at Vaughn Road School to make this program possible. We solicit help from many sources and feel this is a time for parents to be directly involved in the education of their children. This is also an opportunity for area businesses and agencies to be involved in public education where it counts, in the classrooms working directly with the students.

Each year volunteer sheets are sent home to the parents asking for their help. We ask only that they share in the education experience in areas comfortable to them such as sharing a hobby or a craft once a month with our students. These activities are funded primarily through donations from businesses and parents of Vaughn Road School.

If you have an area of interest that you would like to share with us, please let us know. We always need help teaching chess, foreign languages, art, crafts, cooking, science, and whatever meets your own need.

Vaughn Road Elementary School is here to meet the needs of your child in public education. So far we have been highly commended for our efforts in providing Project: C.L.A.S.S. for Vaughn Road students. We have commendations from Red Book Magazine on the national level, the State Superintendent of Education Ed Richardson and former Mayor Folmar, as well as the local Chamber of Commerce.

So, come on and join with us. Bring your chessboard, your cross-stitch, your painting, and even your baseball cards. Let's continue to make Project: C.L.A.S.S. the winning enrichment program that it is.

If you want to be involved or have any questions please call the office at 260-1031.


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is a program for the intellectually and creatively gifted students. The program serves qualifying students in K-6 in the Montgomery Public Schools. This program focuses on developing independent study skills, critical thinking skills, creative thinking, and creative writing through thematic units.  

VRS Quest teacher B. B. Burnette has joined the faculty in the NEW QUEST Enrichment wing at Danelly Elementary. She continues to service our gifted and talented students from that location.


Technology Clubs are relatively new to the Vaughn Road School family. As we integrate the use of various previously mentioned programs into classroom work, we are addressing the needs of the student population by forming various .

One recent teacher addition is the formation of the Grade Level Committiee for the advancement of computer literacy among the faculty. Each grade level representative along with two nominees from the specialists at VRS attend a series of nine inservices. Workshop information and materials are distributed throughout VRS by these representatives. The 2002-2003 representatives are: Mrs. Williamson, Technology Coordinator for VRS, Ms. Gamble, Mrs. Loughridge, Mrs. Wagstaff, Mrs. Gray, Miss Cooley, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Quantock, Mrs. Gorman, Mr. Gluschick, Mrs. Cobern, Mrs. Kientz, Mrs. Rogers.

Students are selected by homeroom teachers to qualify for admission in the NEW Apple Bytes Computer Technology Club at VRS. These students must have an interest in computer related euipment and materials, be good listeners and able to follow directions, be dependable, and have good conduct grades. These students are trained as assistants in the regular classroom to help with computer related needs.

More information is forthcoming as other clubs are formed. Guidelines for participation are to be included. Check back often to stay informed of our progress!

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The Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center is new to our school this year! UWCC gives young writers the opportunity to use technological tools to improve writing and illustrating skills.

An 'kid-friendly' word processor invites students to transform their ideas into multimedia presentations complete with sound, music, and animation. Cross-curricular student activities in the Teacher's Guide reinforce the five steps of the writing process.

For more information. click here.