Computer Hard Ware

Power Cable


       The power cables supply power from the power supply to the drives. The power cables are red, yellow, and black. The yellow wire furnishes 12 volts of power. The red wire furnishes 5 volts of power. The two black wires are ground wires for each. Some drives, like the floppy, use a smaller cable and connector, but their wires are still the same voltage 


TheCase | MotherBoard | PowerSupply | Microprocessor | Ram | PowerCable 

MotherBoard BetteryCaseFan | Chipset | DIMM Sockets | PCI Audio Accelerator

Optional CaseFan | 3.5 Inch Drive | 5.25 Inch Drive | IDE Cable   | I/O Ports 

Panel Connector Cable | PCI Slot One | PCI Slot Two | PCI Slot Three 

ISA Slot Two | Shared PCI/ISA Slot | Expansion Slot | AGP Expansion Slot 

IDE & Panel Connectors | Case Speaker   | Case Front Panel

