What is Masonry?



 This is Masonry




Freemasonry is a fraternity of men bound together by vows of morality in public and private life, who believe in God and the constitutional rights of members to free choice of religion and political persuasion.

Masonry strives to make good men better -- to teach its members to be "better than themselves." It accepts only men of high moral character.

The Fraternity of Freemasonry endorses free public education, encourages self-improvement, promotes patriotism and respect for the Constitution, sanctions equal rights under law, practices god will towards all men, and contributes generously to philanthropies.

Masonry is a benevolent, and educational society. Its basic tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief, (philanthropy), and Truth.

Through the improvement and strengthening of the character of the individual, Freemasonry seeks to improve the community.

Masonry is not a benefit society, or a charitable institution. It assists members by many means through times of hardship, but it is not an insurance society with sickness, death, disability or old age benefits.

Masonry is not a secret society. It is a well-known, nation-wide fraternity whose members proudly declare their membership. Masons meet in buildings plainly identified as Masonic Temples, and public announcements of their meetings are published in daily and community publications. There is no attempt to hide the names of community leaders who are Masons.

Masons often consider Masonic ritual as having been the most moving experience of their lives. Employing the tools of the stone mason as symbols of basic moral truths, Masonic ritual dramatizes a philosophy of life based on morality.

Masonry is voluntary! Masonic law forbids a Mason to invite a friend to join. The friend must voluntarily seek membership by contacting a Mason and announce his desire to join. If you are a male, age 21 older, and wish to become a member of El Campo Lodge #918, A. F. & A. M., you can contact the Web Master of this site for information on how to acquire a Petition for Membership. If you desire to join any Masonic Lodge in Texas, please contact the Web Master of this site, and he will put you into contact with the people you need to see.

Masons of the Blue Lodge, or any appendant body, may participate in varied activities. Degree presentations require ritualists and persons with dramatic abilities, musicians for orchestras, vocalists for choirs, stage crews, make-up men and service committees of all kinds.

Masons take part in an active social life that includes their families and friends.

Besides national philanthropic activity, such as scholarships and medical research, Masons maintain many types of local charitable projects.

Non-Masons observe the social, civic and philanthropic activity of Masons and frequently comment on the close bond that exists among Masons and the obvious belief that they are their brothers' keepers. They notice that Masons are quick to assist their fellows in misfortune with encouragement, kindness and tangible assistance.

The bond of faith and confidence among Masons is largely the result of the common knowledge that all, having experienced the memorable rituals, accept the high ethical standards as guides to their conduct.

Within a Masonic Temple, Masons do not discuss religion, or political matters, or any other subject likely to excite personal animosities. Masonry teaches men to be religious without advocating a particular doctrine, or creed. It requires its members to be good citizens, but free to choose their medium of political expression.

Masons support free schools. Throughout the history of North America the Masonic fraternity has supported free public schools in all possible unofficial and non-political ways ... as an expression of good citizenship "Let there be light" is a famous Masonic motto in support of this philosophy. In Texas, Masons are great defenders of the Public School System. Texas Masons visit the different schools in their towns and cities and educate the children there about the Masonic involvement in the creation of the Texas Public School System.

Masonry with its dedication to education, morality, brotherly love, non-sectarianism in religion and politics and equal rights is a steadying influence that balances and consolidates the social, religious and political life of America.



The Blue Lodge (Symbolic Masonry) confers the first three degrees - Entered Apprentice (first degree), Fellowcraft (second degree), and Master Mason (third degree).

Promotion depends upon a Mason's proficiency in learning certain things about Freemasonry, its ethics, and its philosophy.

There is no higher degree in Masonry than Master Mason. However, a Master Mason may enter the Scottish Rite, or York Rite, to elaborate upon basic Masonic principles.



The York Rite consists of nine degrees in addition to Blue Lodge degrees.

Ancient York Rite Masonry is considered by Masonic historians to have been "original" Masonry. It is not practiced in its original form anywhere today. In the United States, the term York Rite has come to be applied to a number of degrees conferred only in this country.

York Rite degrees are divided into Capitular Degrees of the Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Mason; the Cryptic Degrees are the Royal Master and Select Master, and the Chivalric Orders of the Commandery of Knights Templar, are the Order of the Red Cross, Order of Malta and the Order of The Temple.

Any Master Mason in good standing may ask a York Rite friend for a petition form, or may obtain one from a York Rite secretary. He must be judged to be of good moral character, and be elected by the members.

In the El Campo Lodge, we have as two appendant organizations, both a Council of Royal and Select Masters and a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons.

We do not have a Commandery, the organization of Knights Templar. Most of our York Rite Masons, who are Knights Templar, belong to St. John Commandery #101 in Victoria, Texas.



The Scottish Rite confers the 4th through 32nd degrees in degree-conferring meetings. The degree work may be, but is not necessarily, completed at one time.

Any Master Mason in good standing may ask a Scottish Rite friend for a petition form, or may obtain one from a Scottish Rite secretary. He must be judged to be of good moral character, and be elected by the members. Most of our members who are members of the Scottish Rite are members of the Scottish Rite in Houston, Texas.



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Date Last Modified: 01/26/2000