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. Beautiful, stylish, fun-loving, older, wiser, and armed with a critically-acclaimed sophomore album, 702 ( Irish Grinstead - 19, LeMisha Grinstead - 21, and Kameelah Williams - 21) are poised to reclaim their place in the music industry. The new self-titled album, 702, not only showcases their vibrant personalities and their powerful vocal abilities, but their coming-of-age. "We've been singing since we were kids," explains Misha. "People always thought we had a mature sound, and now, we've really grown up! The subjects we're singing about haven't really changed, but the message is more mature." Chimes in Meelah, "these are not more cutesy songs about teeny-bopper infatuation; rather we're addressing real-life love themes for today's young adults - drama and all!" Now, three years later, how better to reintroduce 702 than to deliver the impactful girl-powered chart-topping single, Where My Girls At? Once again tapping the talent of multi-platinum producer/songwriter Missy Elliott, Where My Girls At delivers an infectious, head-bopping production. Lyrically, it lets 702 deliver an empowering message to the ladies who have dealt with another woman trying to take their man. Armed with powerhouse hits and powerhouse producers, 702 deals with being in love, being out of love, and wanting love back. In addition to developing personally and musically, the ladies have also gotten more onvolved with the business and the artistic dealings of their career. 702 worked closely with the newly appointed Motown president, Kedar Massenburg, in the direction of 702. "Just from his track record of being the producer behind such powerhouse acts as Erykah Badu, Chico Debarge, and D'Angelo, made us thrilled to have his input on this project," states Irish. "We really took our time getting the songs right. It was important to us that we made a project we could really be proud of." Even though they spend a lot of time working on their music, the trio has not abandoned their dreams of going to college. Emphasizes Misha, "Education is so important. It's unfortunate that we can't put the time into it right now, but there are so many things we want to do. So, for right now, music is our school." . .
* Purchase 702 . . * Purchase No Doubt .
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