The Temuan are forest people found in the states of Selangor, Pahang and Negri Sembilan. They form one of Peninsular Malaysia's 18 indigenous aboriginal tribes. They speak Malay as well as their own Temuan language and many still survive by gathering local jungle produce such as durian, petai, bamboo and rotan. Today some of the tribe supplement their meagre jungle income by taking casual work in the nearby town of Kuala Kubu Baru, Desa Temuan Damansara Perdana, Bukit Manchung, Rawang, Serendah, Bukit Cerakah, Degkil, Kuang, Hulu Langat and etc.

The Temuan have a great reverence for all hills and mountains and the rivers and streams that flow from them. Their most sacred landmark is Gunung Raja (Royal Mountain) on the borders of Selangor and Pahang. They believe their ancestors, Mamak Bongsu and Inak Bongsu (human manifestations of God), survived the Great Flood by climbing to the top of a gaharu (eaglewood) tree on Gunung Raja. When the waters subsided they descended and seeded the present race of Manusia (humanity).





Temuan History…..Temuan artist and sculpture  Kujal Saha ( from Pulau Kempas Village, Banting) with his sculpture Mamak Bongsu.






The Temuan believe they were placed on the earth by Tuhan (God) to be guardians of the rainforest and that if they fail in their sacred duty, the whole world will turn upside down and humanity will perish. Each river, hill, stream, rock, tree and shrub is animated by a guardian spirit. Rivers are guarded by dragons (naga) and snakes (ular) which often cause mayhem if their homes are desecrated.

The Temuan’s culture reflects their belief in these nature spirits. Their animism takes the form of taboos, herbal remedies, ritual ceremonies and magic. They have dukun (healers) and a village bomoh (shaman) who, when in a trance state, communicates with the nature spirits. It’s the shaman who leads the tribe in the annual sawai - an ancient earth healing ritual to honour their ancestors and appease the guardian spirits.