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Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad's
eXploring intelligence

Philosophy of Mind

While the Science of the mind and the brain has sometimes taken different routes than the philosophy of mind, however the two have been so essential for each other that one cannot progress without the other. As I have stated elsewhere that Thomas Nagel question, "What is it like to be a bat?" that relates to Qualia holds much fascination to me, however the current discussion is certainly not limited to that. Foundations of Mathematics and that of Artificial Intelligence will also be discussed. Also included will be some overlapping aspects from fundamental assumptions underlying different fields of Cognitive Sciences.

Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad


[This section is in the process of a huge revision that will eventually result in the expansion of the whole website. Now it gets really interesting.]

Philosophy of Mind Timeline

Independent Study

General Philosophy Resources

Philosophy of Mind Bibliography

Topics in Philosophy of Mind

Awareness or A-Consciousness | Behaviorism | Dualism | Functionalism | Identity Theory | Intentionality | Language and Mind | Metaphysics & Philosophy of Mind | Mind in Evolution & Evolution of Mind | Mind, Meaning and Modality | Phenomenology | Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence | Philosophy of Psychology | Phenomenological Consciousness (Qualia) | Representationalism & Higher Order Thought | Sense of Self | What is Consciousness For? | Miscellaneous Subjects


David Armstrong | Ned Block | David Chalmers | The Churchlands | Andy Clark | Donald Davidsom | Richard Dawkins | Daniel C. Dennett | Rene Descartes | Hubert Dreyfus | Douglas Hofstadter | Frank Jackson | Sean Kelly | Thomas Nagel | Hilary Putnam | Gilbert Ryle | John Searle | Sydney Shoemaker | J. C. Smart


Independent Study

Currently I am doing an independent study on Intelligence and Phenomenological Consciousness under Dr. Jack Sanders. More information about the study can be found at the companion website at this URL:

General Philosophy Resources
One of the best resources on Philosophy on the internet. Thousands of links related to Philosophy websites. If you are also interested in other topics in Philosophy besides the Philosophy of mind then this is the place for to visit.
Having one comprehensive website related to Philosophy is good but having two is being in heaven. With Episteme Links it is one of the best sites on philosophy on the Internet, especially if you are looking for something specific.

Topics in Philosophy of Mind
(In Alphabetical Order)

Awareness or A-Consciousness




Identity Theory


Language and Mind

Metaphysics & Philosophy of Mind

Mind in Evolution & Evolution of Mind

Mind, Meaning and Modality


Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence

Philosophy of Psychology

Qualia or Phenomenological Consciousness

You must have noticed by now that this is one of my favorite subjects. This section also includes the Zombies

Representationalism & Higher Order Thought

Sense of Self & Situatedness

What is Consciousness for?

Miscellaneous Subjects

People in Philosophy of Mind
(In Alphabetical Order)

David Armstrong

Ned Block

SDavid Chalmers

I used to have a website on David Chalmers but soon I realized that it was overkill. David Chalmers is a philosopher at the University of Arizona and the Associate Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies. He has mainly worked in fields of Philosophy of Mind and in the field of Cognitive Sciences. He has also done work in the related fields of Artificial Intelligence and Computation, Although not the first person to recogonize the problem, his book did help in bringing to limelight the "hard problem" of consciousness. The "hard problem" lie at the heart of the study of consciousness and represent one of the last "intractable" problems of Science. David Chalmers is an Aussie but has now settled in the United States. David Chalmers favors a non-reductionist approach to the study of consciousness.

David Chalmers Papers

David Chalmers' official website can be found at The site has a huge collection of papers on consciousness and related matters of interest.

A word or two about "The Conscious Mind." His main argument is that the reductionist explanation of consciousness is impossible. The reading is accessible to both philosophers and non-philosophers. The book developed out of his famous paper "Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness." While analyzing different theories of consciousness he has also presented his own candidate for such a theory of consciousness that could explain this intractable problem. He proposes that there could be fundamental laws relating to consciousness just as there are fundamental laws in Physics. He also explores the possibility of Artificial Intelligence. Unlike other writes Chalmers does not "solve" the problem of consciousness by redefining it as another problem. A remarkable point about Charmers' book is that he convincingly presents his arguments that a "pure" materialist view about consciousness will not suffice and "dual-aspects" of information will have to be taken into view.

The Churchlands

Andy Clark

Donald Davidson

Richard Dawkins

Daniel C. Dennett

Dennett is one of those writes whom you really enjoy even if you do not agree with him. His writings are insightful except when it comes to the question of consciousness, where Dennett thinks that there is no question in the first place.

As far as the hard problem is concerned, Dennett will always remain a nay-sayer. May be Dennett is a Zombie. Just kidding.

Rene Descartes

The man who gave us the Mind-Body problem or to some people the mind-body controversy. Descartes' dualism, in line with many religious views, has largely lost its appeal in the scientific community. What is really interesting is that Dualism is the prevalent theory of mind in the public mind.


Hubert Dreyfus

Douglas Hofstadter

Frank Jackson

Sean Kelly

Thomas Nagel

Hilary Putnam

Gilbert Ryle

John Searle

Many of you might remember John Searle as the "Chinese Room Guy." Well trust me he has done other things as well which are as interesting as the Chinese Room Argument, if not more.

Sydney Shoemaker

J. J. C. Smart

Philosophy of Mind Bibliography

I add a book only after I have read it or have started to read the the book. Hence the list is not as long as I would want it to be. Not yet, but I am getting there. Articles from magazines and journals are in the individual sections. The list of articles is so long that I decided that I will update the list as time goes by.


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