i)Repeated Images:
-blood animals, clothes, sleep, illness/health, light/darkness, banquets, children
ii) Blood:
-100 references
-first connected with good (ex. good captain)
-later linked with Duncan?s death and revenge
-Macbeth and Lady Macbeth reactions to blood on their hands in contrast to Lady
Macbeth?s words when she was sleep walking
- ?I am in blood/Stepped in so far...? (III. iv. 135 - 137) Macbeth at the peak of his evil
iii) Animals:
-Elizabethan times saw animals as a part of natural order of universe
-animal bravery used to describe Macbeth?s bravery
-theme or order/disorder clarified by animals unnaturally (II. iv. ; III. iv - vi.)
iv) Clothes:
-idea of ill-fitting or unsuitable clothing symbolizes Macbeth?s unsuitability as a king
-imagery is underlined by frequent use of ?clothes? words such as ?cloaked? or ?wrapt?
-key quotations - (I, iii, 107 ; II, iv, 37 ; V, ii, 20 )
-significantly, Macbeth seems most comfortable in his armor - good point to his role as a warrior
v) Sleep:
-seen as natural and healing
-murder of Duncan made Macbeth feel he has murdered sleep
-sleeping is associated with innocence
vi) Illness/Health:
-images of sickness and health are used to support the theme of order/disorder
-both Caithness and Macbeth himself seek a medicine to cure the country of all its ills
-notice that Edward (good king) is able to perform miracle cures while Macbeth worsens
vii) Light/Darkness:
-common imagery of light to represent goodness and innocence
-darkness symbolizes evil
-appropriately, Macbeth is a ?dark? play with many murders occurring at nighttime
-Macbeth is hardly seen in daylight
viii) Banquets:
-banquet also used to support theme of order/disorder
-when Macbeth?s banquet is disrupted, it is a symbol of breakdown of natural order of things
-all caused by death of Duncan, the rightful king
ix) Children:
-symbolize innocence and goodness
-Shakespeare stresses hatefulness of Macbeth by showing his fear of children and viciousness toward them
-Lady Macbeth?s cruelty also revealed when she says:
?I have given suck.....? (I, viii, 54 - 59)
-he has Macduff?s children killed and tries to kill Fleance
-he fears Malcolm (rightful child) and Banquo?s children who were prophesied to come to the crown
-children may also represent the future and Macbeth greatly fears the future
2) Dramatic Irony- when the audience are in on a secret, but one or more characters are unaware
-ex.- when Duncan arrives at Macbeth's Castle and exclaims over the pleasant setting
- the audience knows that his gracious host and hostess will be his killers
Double Meaning of Words:
- ex- Macbeth- "twas a rough night"
- "Had I but died an hour before this chance, / I had lived a blessed time. "
=> one-side shows the cover up for the deed
- on the other side shows his remorse
**important: Act I, sc iv Duncans speeches