Animated Tag Tutorial
Please do not copy this tutorial to any web site without my written permission as I, FMainSN, own this tutorial. I don't mind if you share in online groups to learn PSP as that's what I write them for ~ Enjoy
If you have any questions please email me at FMAinSN
1.) Download what I have attached is the following...the ink well and the feather pen...
put them in your tubes folder so they are ready to use....
2.) open open a new page when it opens make it 400x400 transparent background
3.) now click on your picture tube tool and find your tag....put it on your new page, over to the left as far as possible so your feather will always stay on the page...(you can make the page smaller around your tag...but always leave room for the'll understand as we go on....)
4.) Click on Layers, then New Raster Layer...when the box opens just click on OK
5.) now click on the big A tool and when the box opens choose a font and write your name or whatever....
then go to selections and select none to deselect it....
now make a new layer again....
(this is done so you can move things around if needed)
6.) now go to picture tube tool find your inkwell and put it where you want it on your page....
Now make another new layer....
7.) now find your feather and put that on the page...
OK now you have your start image...
8.) go to Layers, Merge, Merge Visible...
9.) now we will save this...go to file, save as...and make a folder name it say animated nametag...and save this as Image1.psp
10.) now we want to get rid of the feather so go to edit and undo...and undo the merge , moving of the feather if you did and then the feather....
(we want the tag with the name and inkwell only)
11.) now its time to figure out how many copies we need...look at your name and figure on how many strokes your pen will took 18 to make the name Darlene....
once you figure it out...
click on the Shift Key and the Letter D key to make copies of your page...
make as many as you need strokes...
so I made 18....
(you can always make more as you go on if needed)
12.) now its time to start working on the individual strokes...
before you start each one, click on layers and click on Layer 2...this activates the writing...
now in the first one...we want to erase the whole word
(I left a little dot where my paintbrush will start)
once erased then go to layers , new raster layer, then picture tube, feather and click on picture...move feather to your starting point...
ok now just minimize that one...and lets do the rest...
following these steps...
layers, pick the writing layer...which should be layer 2...make that active
then click on the eraser tool....
then erase everything except the next part of the writing...
then layer , new Raster layer...then OK
then clicking on the picture tube and putting your feather at the end of what you didn't erase...
like this for my next step...
(sorry but the writing is hidden behind the feather in Darlene's name...look down to see more of an example and you'll understand)
you'll do this on each new page until you have your whole name again on the tag...
Remember to always go to Layers , Merge, Merge Visible...before
saving each it the next image#.PSP
and then minimizing it and going on to the next...
now here are the rest of mine to show you what I mean...
Ok, now we have them all lets animate them....
go to file and then Run Animation Shop...
now when the box opens, click on the Animation Wizard in the left hand corner...
now just do the following in each box that opens....
Check...Same size as image frame...then Next
Check....Opaque....then Next
Check ....Upper left corner of frame....and With Canvas Color
and check where it says Scale frames to fit....then Next
Check...repeat Animation...and set it at 20 seconds in the time area....then Next....
Now this is where you add the images....
Click on add image and find where you have the images stored on your hard drive...
Click on each one to add in order....As you add each one it will show in the window....they must be in order...if you mess up just use the up or down arrows to move them...
Now click Next and then Click Finish....
now all the images will come on the screen in see your animation to make sure it works...go to the button in the upper right corner....its called view animation....
and click on will now run your animation...
just X it out when you are done watching it...
now lets save it...
go to file, save as....give it a name...
a box will open click on next and let it do its thing...
when its done optimizing it just click on finish...
and that's it....
now I will send another email to show you how it came out....
and I would love to see all of yours...
Have fun...Enjoy!
if you have any questions ...please feel free to ask me...I will try my best to help....
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