Hi, I'm Dazee and I maintain the FWPSP web site.  We are looking for tutorials using PSP 6 or 7.  If you would like your tutorial displayed on the FWPSP web site just click the  Dazee link below to email me the tutorial for approval and I will let you know if you've been approved to have your tutorial posted on the FWPSP web site.  Hope to see all that great work !!!


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Framing Inside a Picture Tutorial

Christmas Tree Tutorial

Red Curl Base Tutorial

Dingbat Frame Tutorial

Reverberation Wallpaper Tutorial

Making a Stained Glass Tutorial

Glowing Christmas Bulb

Snow Globe Tutorial

Witchy's Christmas Ball Tutorial

  Motion Trail Name in PSP 6 Tutorial ~ by: Dazee's Attic of Treasures©

  Making a Pencil Sketch Tutorial ~ by: Dazee's Attic of Treasures©

 How To Flood Fill With A Pattern In PSP 7 ~ by: Dazee's Attic of Treasures©

 How To Copy & Paste ~ by: Dazee's Attic of Treasures©

How to Make Ribbons & Bows Tutorial

Animated Name Tag Tutorial

Making a black and White Picture from Color Tutorial

How to make and use a Watermark Tutorial

Kaleidoscope Tag Tutorial by Shezgrafix1

Choosing a Pattern to work with in PSP 7


Site Index { Page 2 of Tutorials { Kanded Kreationz© Tutorials



EVERY effort is given by this club and its members, to keep the tutorials AND credits intact and given to the assumed to be ORIGINAL author of the tutorials we place on our web site. We can assure you that it is none of our members who has changed any authors name, or tried to take credit for tutorials that are not their original creation. Due to the amount of cutting and pasting that happens on all of the Internet, we cannot be POSITIVE that the names of the authors is correct, we have to assume that the names and credits are correct. We have made every effort to give correct credit, where credit is due on all entries put on our web site. We make all effort to contact all known authors to get permission to place their tutorial on our site. We are NOT responsible for posting tutorials that may have been unknowingly pirated and sent into our group OR for tutorials whose true authors name changed to give credit to someone to whom it does not honestly and legally belong to. Many of our members are also members of other PSP groups and get a tutorial from the other groups, then if they like it, they share it with our group...We DO give credit in all instances where that credit is known. We assume the same happens with all PSP groups. We have seen identical tutorials come thru with VARIOUS different names claiming to be the their authors. We have no control over this.

This web page is in place for the enjoyment of those interested in PSP, learning how to use their program and make tags and various things available with it. Please keep in mind that it is out of our control if someone, prior to our group, has pirated pieces and changed who the author is. 

NOTE: we received a nasty letter from someone who claimed to be the author of one of the tutorials on our site, the ACTUAL author is a longtime KNOWN friend of one of our authors. 


Copyright 2000 Dazee's Attic of Treasures ©. All rights reserved

Dazee's Attic of Treasures©


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