All of my tanks are heated by 2
sources -- a UTH, and a heat lamp (also used for light).
Except for the tank with the adults in it, all geckos are kept
on either Repti-Carpet, or felt.
20 Gallon Long
Cujo, Zith & Dallas share this tank. I've
got ReptiSand in there for a substrate. The cave & the log serve for hides, and I've also got several live plants
in the tank for decoration (succulents & non-spiny cactii).
The sour cream container is the laying box.
20 Gallon Long
Merlin, Katie & Hailey live in
this tank. The substrate is green felt, purchased at Walmart.
The cave & the log are their hides, and there's an aloe vera
plant in there as well for decoration.
30 Gallon Long
This is the albino tank where
Aidan, Rhapsody, Montana & Trinity live. They've got caves for
hides, and then the plants (live and fake) for decoration. The
substrate in this tank is the same green felt.
20 Gallon
This 20 gallon is home to Lexi &
Sierra. The substrate is ReptiCarpet, and heat
is provided by a UTH & a heat lamp. There's a humid hide, a
coco-hut & a piece of cork bark for hiding spots, as well as
an aloe vera plant for decoration.
15 Gallon Tall
Jessa lives in this tank. It's a
funny shape for a 15 gallon, but it's got lots of height, so
she likes it :) For a substrate I'm using Jungle Blend Lizard
Litter, and to help keep the tank at approx. room temp, I have
a 50W heat lamp which also serves as the light source. For
decorations I have several cool sticks that I found outside
after windstorms (and cleaned of course!), 2 live plants
(tropical, to help raise the humidity), and a Reptile Vine.
The tank is misted twice daily to maintain the humidity.
This is a picture of the rack that
most of the tanks are currently being kept on. It was
purchased at Home Depot, and actually has one more shelf that
I don't have installed right now.