Pastoral Ministries
The Pastor is available for counsel and prayer. Please feel free to contact the secretary to
schedule an appointment.
Contact: Sis Tamika Davis
The Decacons of the church serve as the financiers and business managers of the church. They
are appointed by the Pastor and are subject to his directives.
The Adjutants are directly responsible for the caring of the Pastor and Wife. They travel
throughout Germany and insure that the Pastor's needs are met. They are appointed by the
Pastor and are subject to his directives ONLY.
Sunday School
This auxiliary is vital to the growth of any church. Classes are available for all ages
specializing in in-depth study of the word of God. We meet each Sunday morning at
11:00 a.m.
Prayer And Bible Band
This auxiliary's main function is intercessory prayer and study in the word as it relates to
prayer. Prayer and Bible Band meet Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. for prayer, and Bible Study
beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Music Department
The choir is a vital part of Genesis Worship service. The Genesis sanctuary choir is open to all
individuals who have a heart for praise. The sanctuary choir rehearses each Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
The Young Women Christian Council is oriented toward teaching young women to be Godly and Virtuous.
Under the influence of mature women, the young of our church discuss issues that are particulary
pertinent to today's woman as they relate to the unchanging Word of God.
Sunshine Band
The Sunshine Band consists of children (2-11) and is directed toward their mental, phyusical, and spiritual growth.
Purity Class
The Puritans consists of young people (12-19). This auxiliary aids them in coping with the rapid changes young people experience during the preteen and early teenage years and continually directs them back to Christ when the world seems to offer so many alternatives.
These women and men of our church possess the "Gift of Hospitality". They meet and greet the guest, host special functions and serve the pastor's special guest.
The brotherhood of our church meets monthly for fellowship and planning of church activities.
Planning & Steering
This committee plans for all church meetings monthly for fellowship and planning of church activities.
The Ushers are the official greeters of the church. They assist during the worship service in maintaining order, distributing bulletins and offertory envelopes, and admitting worshipers at appropriate time during the service.
*Last update:
© 2000 Church of God
In Christ