1st, 2nd and 3rd
Grades at the White School in Rankin-Front Row L to R: Sarah Coquine, Janice
Johnson, Shirley Husky, Unk, Diane Knox, Unk, Mary Childs, Diane Childs, Unk, Unk, Ginger
Childs, Christine Erickson Sandra Childs Second Row: Johanne Knox,
Sharon Reed Unk, Unk, Bobby Freels, Unk, Jim Proffer, Danny James, Donna Proffer, June Valentine, Unk,
Mrs. Hill Back Row: Harry Buck, Leon Baker, Gary Dunstone, Unk,
Bobby Banks, Kent Lawrence, Jim
Judson, Unk, Unk, Larry Powell, Unk, Unk, Unk |
5th Grade at
Rankin Elementary School-Front Row L to R: Janice Johnson, Unk, Mary
Childs, Unk, June Valentine, Unk, Donna Proffer, Johanne Knox, Unk, Unk,
Ginger Childs Back Row: Unk, Danny James, Unk, Clare Williams, Unk,
Jim Judson, Kent Lawrence, Larry Powell, Bobby Freels, Gary Dunstone
Thanks to Leon Baker for help with names for some of the previously UNK. |