Please read the following Instructions before printing:

Making and Printing Tips
for Jesse Tree Symbols

Son of David, Root of Jesse
How to Print and Make the Jesse Tree Symbols from your Netscape or MSIE (Internet Explorer browser):
We have now uploaded many more Jesse Tree symbols. They are on the following pages:

Page 1 | Page 1b | Page 2 | Page 2b | Page 3 | Page 3b

For more, please check this page again for updates.

You will need to press your Reload or Refresh button on your web browser to see the most recent updates to any page.

(1) Buy glossy photo paper made for the kind of printer that you are using (HP, Epson, etc.) for best results. (2) Don't forget to stock up on extra ink cartridges for your printer. (3) Also have on hand an embroidery needle (large hole for threading) as well as some colorful twine, thread, or trim; such as the silver or gold trim sold in crafts stores or any stores that sell gift wrapping supplies. I got mine in the bridal section of a crafts shop.

needle and thread (4) After you have done the above, thread your needle with a single thread of the twine or trim -- do not tie a knot at the end, but keep it a single thread, with one end long and the other short. There is a yellow asterisk (*) printed at the top of each Jesse symbol; so after you have printed and cut the symbols out, just push the needle through the asterisk (*), gently pulling the trim out the other side. Pull until you have about 3 inches on each side of the ornament, then cut. Now, just tie a tight knot, and it is ready to be hung!

Some people use bare branched table-top trees to hang their Jesse ornaments on; others used full sized evergreens. Some families or churches have a ceremonial reading of each Bible verse represented on the symbols, alternated with verses of ancient Christmas or Advent hymns (such as O Come, O Come, Emmanuel). See the Links Section of our Jesse Tree Links and Info Page for more ideas.

NETSCAPE USERS, please read carefully the Netscape Instructions, if you decide to print the pages with the dark (tree-bark) backgrounds. The reason for this is that the text will not show up on your paper unless you change the color of the text in the Netscape Preferences. If you choose to print the pages with the gold backgrounds, you do not need to change any of the Preferences in your web browser.

MSIE USERS, please read the MSIE (Explorer) Instructions, if you are printing the pages with the dark (tree-bark) background. The reason for this is that the text will not show up on your paper unless you select the Printing Preference to "Print background colors and images." If you are going to print the pages with the gold backgrounds, you don't need to read the instructions, unless you have decided that you want to print the backgrounds (recommended).

NOTE: It would probably be safer to just go to the three Gold pages (Page 1b and Page 2b) Page 3b no matter which browser you are using. That way you would at least get a readable printout whether you make any browser changes or not. However, if you can print from your MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer), you will be able to have the special effects that result from printing the beautiful backgrounds behind the Jesse Tree images. You will need to have extra ink cartridges on hand if you choose to print the backgrounds. Also, there is no point in printing the backgrounds unless you are using a color printer.

Here are the Jesse Tree Symbols pages we have uploaded so far, as of 11/10/03:

Intro | Instructions | 1 | 1b | 2 | 2b | 3 | 3b | Jesse Tree | Jesse Links | Feedback Form

MSIE (Explorer):
Go into your Tools Menu, click on Internet Options, select Advanced. Under Printing section, put a checkmark in the "Print background colors and images" choice. Click on "Ok." You will need to have on hand some extra print cartridges. Very cool result!

Netscape Instructions:
Go into your Edit Menu, click on Preferences, select Color. Choose black for your text and white for your background. Click on "Ok." This will insure that your Scripture texts show up. Otherwise, the yellow text will not show up, since our dark (tree-bark) background will not be printed underneath it.

To get the actual Bible verses used on the Jesse Symbols, click on the symbol itself (the graphic) and you will be taken to the verse in the Blue Letter Bible (KJV). For other translations, you can look up the verse at Bible Gateway in any language and in most translations.

Jesse Tree Info

Jesse Trees can trace the Line of the Messiah in one of at least three ways, all of which are fascinating:
  1. Some of the Jesse Tree web pages listed on our Jesse Tree Links Page emphasize the lineage, or "family tree," of the Messiah, rather than the actual Messianic prophecies. They show the line of decent from Adam or Abraham, to Jesus of Nazareth. They sometimes will also show the significance of the relationship.

  2. Other Jesse Tree projects emphasize major Old Testament themes, events, or covenants, rather than simply pointing to the specific prophecies about the Messiah. They show various interpretations, theological points of view, doctrines relating to Messianic prophecies. You can see many of the other types of Jesse Trees and their corresponding symbols by visiting some of the web sites listed in the Links section of our Jesse Tree Links and Info page.

  3. My Jesse Tree traces many, but not all, of the Old Testament prophecies about the First Advent, or First Coming, of the Messiah of Israel. When you click on a candle of the tree, you will be taken to another page (such as Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament, Page 1_) on a "sister website" of ours to view the specific OT (Old Testament) prophecy for that candle, along with a colorful illustration.

    No interpretations are offered. You are left to decide for yourself the meaning or significance. However, a New Testament fulfillment page (such as New Testament Fulfillment Scriptures of Messianic Prophecies, Page 1_) for each prophecy has been gradually added to the site. Watch for those links at the end of each OT prophecy.

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Christmas and Thanksgiving:

Abby's Twelve Days of Christmas

Days of Christmas
Abby's 12 Days of Christmas
Josephine and Jonah
Josephine and Jonah

Entrance Page
to The Jesse Tree:
Go listen to...
The Carol of the Bells
The Jesse Tree
Advent Page

Wise Men Still Seek Him
to Abby's Applet

O Holy Night
To Sandy's Panorama
Winter Panorama

Going Home for
Christmas at Gid's Place
Star of Bethlehem
Abbie's Christmas Page
Abigail's Christmas

Messianic Prophecies
of the Old Testament
Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Prophecies Fulfilled
in the New Testament:
Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Christmas Carol Medley
A Holiday Medley of Christmas Carols
Annie's Christmas
Beautiful Star of Bethlehem

Giving Thanks
Giving Thanks
For the Beauty
of the Earth
For the Beauty
For the Beauty of the Earth

The following group of links are to pages on other web sites:

Some Special Links


The Ten Commandments
10 Commandments
I Stand at the Door and Knock
I Stand at the Door...

Be Not Afraid
Be Not Afraid
Jonah's Prayer
Jonah's Prayer

The Wordless Book
Wordless Book
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Pray for the Peace of...

Happiness is a Choice
Happiness is a Choice

Missing Heaven by 18 Inches
Missing Heaven by 18 Inches


Intro | Instructions | 1 | 1b | 2 | 2b | 3 | 3b | Jesse Tree | Jesse Links | Feedback Form
OT Messianic Prophecies: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4

Awesome Family Pages:

To Awesome Family Web 

Updated: 11/10/03

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