

Registration Form

Fall GNAR Staff

Spring Market Fair

Map To Site

You are invited to attend the

9th Annual G.N.A.R.

Great North American Rendezvous

                To be held at the documented birth place of the American Revolution

September 11-18, 2004

 Visit our Web Site at: www.GNARendezvous.org

Kind Brothers and Sisters, the Booshway and Staff of the 2004 Great North American Rendezvous wish to again invite you to share with us the shinin’ times and natural beauty this rendezvous has to offer.

The 1756 British Fort Loudoun is located one (1) mile east of the village of Fort Loudon, in South Central Pennsylvania.  This Fort was constructed on Forbes Road and served as a supply depot for the British forces.  The Conococheague Creek (ok for swimming) runs on the park property.  It is our fond wish that you will honor us with your presence.  Per Main Counsel vote, a portion of the profits will be donated to Fort Loudoun projects

There will be no membership required in any National Organization to attend this rendezvous.  Every paid adult in attendance shall have the right to vote and speak at all council meetings on all camp issues. Insurance for this event is provided through the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Gates will open Friday, September 10th and Saturday September 11th at 7:00 AM and close at 7:00 PM.  For the remainder of the week the gate will open at 7:00 AM and close at 5:00 PM.

Handicapped accessible.  Period clothing, lodging and accoutrements are required at all times (Pre-1840).

Ice, coolers, cameras and all non-period items must be covered at all times.

All firearms will remain unloaded when not on the firing line at the range.  This includes flashing the pan and capping.  No loaded firearms in camp!  No modern firearms will be allowed in camp.  Firearm violations will not be tolerated and you will be expelled from camp immediately!

The only animals permitted in camp will be horses, mules, oxen and certified service animals.  Current health and negative Coogins certificates are required for horses and mules.

All Sutler’s items are to be Pre-1840.  No merchandise will be displayed in plastic wrappers or containers.  Sutlers will obtain a trade license, which will be displayed at all times.  Sutlers are responsible for ensuring that all trade items conform to all federal, state, county, and township laws and regulations.  The use of propane permitted only with written permission of the Booshway.  The sale or trade in any form of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.



SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT                                                      (717) 264-5161

(717) 261-3877

City tap water will be provided for drinking purposes. 

PUBLIC VISITOR DAYS: 1st Saturday (September 11, 2004) and Sunday (September 12, 2004). 9:00 to 5:00

Auction, Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 1:00 P.M.  The auction area will be open to the public, with no admission cost.  Donations for a worthy cause designated by main council gratefully accepted up to auction time.

Camper’s will be allowed 60 minutes to unload and load during the event.

Sutlers will be allowed 90 minutes to unload and load during the event.

Camp feast: Wednesday evening, please bring a covered dish to share with fellow campers and GNAR will provide meat.

Day Visitors: You may visit the G.N.A.R. any day the rendezvous is open if you are in pre-1840 dress & gear.  The cost will be $5.00 per day.  The method of payment will be payment of $35.00 when you arrive at the gate and fill out a day visitor's card.  If you leave by 5:00 the same day, you will be refunded $30.00.