Click here to visit TsarsevnasOtma


"And on the threshold of the grave,
Breath power divine into our clay
That we, Thy children, may find strength,
In meekness for our foes to pray."

~ A.V. Hendrikova


Important Notice:  The TsarevnasOtma list is still running, but I will not be accepting
any requests to join for a short while.  When joining opens up again, we'll let you know! :)


        It is June, 1914.  Having celebrated Easter at the Crimea - with another exquisite Fabergé egg for the tsaritsa - the imperial family is embarking for the cozy dacha and pleasant park at Peterhof.  There they will depart on the imperial yacht Standart for Rumania, to feel out a possible match for Olga with the Rumanian Crown Prince.  All thoughts right now center on this great decision: Olga is adamantly against an engagement; Tatiana enjoys the sceneric aspects of the voyage; Maria's ideas are entirely romantic; Anastasia plots to bring the Crown Prince and his older sister to a stunning downfall - literally - Alexei is adding some fine points to Anastasia's plot; and Nicholas and Alexandra despair of ever bringing their children to sensibility.  Above them looms impending war, but in their fairytale world, they do not see the clouds as of yet.  For these charming young girls it is just another happy springtime.  But events will come that will change their world...


        TsarevnasOtma is an RPG (roleplaying game) mailing list, hosted by ONElist (now EGroups), at  The members, who are selected by the moderator, Victoria, each choose a character who lived during the time of the last Russian tsar.  They then interact with the other members of the list as their character, playing out the lives of the Romanovs.  Through this list we try to learn more about the imperial family, and to delve deeper into their real characters.  Meanwhile, we also chitchat and discuss anything Romanov, trading information and quotes as we go along.  If you would like to join, please e-mail Victoria, or post a message in her guestbook.

Characters taken in TsarevnasOtma:

Nicholas II.................................................Carla


Olga N......................................................Victoria

Tatiana N..................................................Kathi

Maria N....................................................Abigail

Anastasia N..............................................Alyeshka

Alexei N...................................................Justin

Irina Alexandrovna....................................Karina

Aunt Xenia................................................Elizabeth

Aunt Olga.................................................Ava Marie

Tatiana Botkina.........................................Kezia

Isa Buxhoevden.........................................Sarah

Anastasia Hendrikova................................Anne


Lili Dehn....................................................Elise






Maria Feodorovna....................................*open*

Aunt Ella Feodorovna...............................*open*

Rita Khitrova............................................*open*


        I also manage a Romanov discussion list, Grandanor, for Grandanor Society members.  Grandanor discusses the last imperial family of Russia and shares information with its members, as well as Anna Anderson and related topics.  I have had a little trouble with people joining the list who have not joined Grandanor Society first.  It would be greatly appreciated if you would make sure that you have signed up through the Society first, and only afterward submit your subscription to  If this continues, you will be asked if you would like to join the society.

        If you would like to join TsarevnasOtma, e-mail Victoria with your name, age, home country, gender, website (if you have one), and the character you'd like to play.  We have many openings left - check the TsarevnasOtma website for a list of available characters.  Above all, have fun ~ and remember the Romanovs!


"Thrown into a shallow grave
buried 'neath Earth's face
yet their souls are Eternal
and dwell in Our Lord's Grace."

   ~ Katia S., 'Tatiana'



Grandanor Society

Friend of TIRS - The International Romanov Society

82nd Anniversiary Vigil - In Commemoration



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