


Apart from those within the Bond enclosure, the gravestones are either plain vertical or raised horizontal slabs. The tops of the upright stones are usually rounded but the horizontal slabs are plain rectangles. The upright slabs are approximately 0.80 meters wide. All the gravestones face east with the exception of the grave of a priest who died in 1832 and whose gravestone faces west.
Three of the six Fealy graves are marked with raised horizontal slabs and occupy a prominent position close to the east gable of the church. One of these which dates to the 1860s, has a coat of arms consisting of a cross and a motto "In hoc signo vinces", as does a slab in the Bond enclosure that also has a coat of arms and a motto. The persons named on the Fealy grave held almost fifty acres in 1854 according to Griffith's valuation and subsequently leased land from a branch of the Bond family. The number and position of the Fealy and Carrigy graves would suggest that this graveyard was the traditional burying ground for these families.
The Bond enclosure contains twelve plots. All the gravestones are inscribed with the name, dates of birth and death, and family relationship. Six of the twelve Bond graves carry an additional inscription such as a biblical quotation or the family motto.

Design of grave no. 31.
Typical of many  gravestones at New

Bond crest on grave no. 6

Motto 'Deus providebit'

Fealy crest on grave no. 24

Motto 'In hoc signo vinces'

Photographs copyright Gerard Morgan 1997.