Ceremony Ideas

Ceremonies are used for many different occasions in Girl Scouting. There are awards ceremonies, bridging ceremonies, investiture ceremonies and so on.

Our council has its own ceremonies book and each troop should have its own copy. Below are links to other sites where you can find more ceremonies. Some may be duplicates of those in your book, others may be new to you. You can follow them exactly or make up your own. The important thing is that the ceremony is meaningful to you and your girls.

Ceremony Compilation

Ceremonies from the Leader's Landing

Juliette Low Candle Ceremony

Dime Ceremony

Recipe for a GS Troop Ceremony

World Association Trefoil Pin Ceremony

Golden Link Ceremony

Rainbow Candle Ceremony

More GS Candle Ceremonies

GS Law in Your Hands Ceremony

GS Law in Jewels Ceremony

Promise & Law Ceremony

Service Unit Adult Ceremonies

Because You Said Yes Ceremony

Cookie Ceremonies

Daisy Ceremonies

International Ceremonies

Patchwork Ceremony for leaders

Bridging Ceremonies


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