Song Resources

Tips for Teaching Songs

1. Be familiar with the song so you don't need to use a song sheet or book as a "crutch".
2. Sing the song through first.
3. Say the words phrase by phrase and have the group repeat.
4. Sing the song together 3 times or until known - but don't wear it out.
5. If a song has several verses, teach one verse at a time.
6. Begin with simple songs and move on to more difficult ones later on.
7. You give the starting note. Avoid pitching the song too high or too low.
8. Songs may be taught using tapes or CD's as well, just follow the procedure above.

MacScouter Songs for Scouts

Patriotic Songs

Cookie Sale songbook

Smile Song -from Daisy to Senior

Daisy Scout Songs

Daisy Bridging Songs

Girl Scout Law Song

Scoutarama Songs

Cosmos Song Book

Twelve months of Girl Scouts

Origin of Taps

Traditional Campfire songs

Funny Campfire Songs

Misc Girl Scout Songs

Three Chartreuse Buzzards Song-song, motions, patch & pin

Silly Halloween Songs

Christmas Carols

Graces for Guides and Scouts


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