
The following is a chronological list of publications that are available for download.  You will require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Once again, if you wish to make a comment, ask a question, or contribute information, please send e-mail to  

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A decision analytic approach to the design of experiments in research on traffic safety.
An old paper by E. Hauer and I. Geva.  Published in Transport Risk Assessment, S. Yagar (ed.) University of Waterloo Press, 1984. Added here because the book is difficult to find and there is renewed interest in this topic.
Two tools for finding what function links the dependent variable to the explanatory variables.
Paper by E. Hauer and J. Bamfo. Published in Proceedings of ICTCT 97 Conference, November 5-7 1997, Lund, Sweden
Executable software to test the difference between two Poisson random variables.
Note: In this version (March 2005) I forgot to place a label near the input box for k.
Statistical test of the difference between expected accident frequencies.
Paper originally published in 1996 and given here in support of the software above.

Cause and effect in observational cross-section studies in road safety
Draft, February 2005

Re-estimation of models for two-lane rural road segments
Unpublished Report January 2001
Left-turn Protection; Safety Delay and Guidelines; A Literature Review

Developed for the Colorado DOT project on countermeasures with promise (CWiPs)

Models For Urban Four-Lane Undivided Roads
Paper accepted for publication by the Transportation Research Board
Modeling Safety
Paper accepted for publication by the Transportation Research Board
Cost-Effect Evaluation of Screening Criteria
Paper accepted for publication by the Transportation Research Board
The Harm Done by Tests of Significance
Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 36, No. 3, May 2004, pp. 495-500
The Perils of the "Why Indeterminacy" —The case of Rollover Ratings
Submitted for possible publication in Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2002
An (Old) Researcher's Take
Presented at the National Research and Technology Partnership Workshop, Irvine, CA, 2002.
Workforce Planning for Road Safety Management
Paper presented at the Highway Safety Workforce Planning Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, April 3-4, 2002
Fishing for Safety Information in the Murky Waters of Research Reports
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 2002
Estimating Safety by the Empirical Bayes Method
Hauer, E., D.W. Harwood, F.M. Council, M.S. Griffith, The Empirical Bayes method for estimating safety: A tutorial. Transportation Research Record 1784, pp. 126-131. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.. 2002
Screening the Road Network for Sites with Promise
 Hauer, E., J. Kononov, B.K. Allery and M.S. Griffith, Screening the road network for sites with promise. Transportation Research Record 1784, pp 27-31 National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.., 2002

Lane width and safety
Review of literature for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model, 2000

Shoulder width, shoulder paving and safety
Review of literature for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model, 2000

Access and Safety
Review of literature for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model, 2000

Road grade and safety
Review of literature for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model, 2000
Safety of Horizontal Curves
Review of literature for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model, 2000
Highway Medians and Safety
Review of literature for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model, 2000
Number of Highway Lanes and Safety
Review of literature for the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model, 2000

Computing and interpreting accident rates for vehicle types or driver groups
Hauer, E., Computing and interpreting accident rates for vehicle types or driver groups. Transportation Research Record 1746. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.. 2001. pp. 69-73.

Safety in Geometric Design Standards
Published with revisions as two papers in the Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Highway Geometric Design,1999.

Large Truck Safety - A Chronological Review of the Literature
Prepared for the TRB Committee for the Study of Weights, Lengths and Widths of Commercial Vehicles
Knowledge and the Management of Safety
Presented at the Traffic Safety Summit, October 4-7, 1998 Kananaskis, Alberta
Two Harmful Myths and a Thesis
Presented at the Traffic Safety Summit, October 4-7, 1998 Kananaskis, Alberta
Analysis and Design of Before-After Studies with a Comparison Group 

Software developed for a workshop in 1997


Ezra Hauer
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4
Last Updated: December 26, 2005