Polar bears, walrus and killer whales are the beluga's natural enemies. Man is also an enemy of the beluga whale. When it was found that the belugas were interfering in salmon fishing, an humane way of warding off the belugas was needed. It was discovered that if a playback tape of killer whales was played the belugas would avoid the area. They have been seen at the mouth of a river where a tape was be playing but would not enter.(1) A man made enemy to the beluga is pollution. The belugas in the Gulf of St Lawrence area have been found to have growths and tumors that were not seen in the past. There is also a rise of contaminants in the blubber of those animals that have died and been washed up on shore.(2)
A major natural problem that the belugas have in winter is getting stuck under the ice or in polynia's where they can starve or suffocate.
Belugas often get stranded and may fall prey to polar bears.
| Aggression
| Behaviour
| Curiosity and Play
| Fear and Stress |
| Social Behaviour
| Surface Behaviour |
| Names
| Description
| Diet
| Migration
| Predators
| Reproduction
| Senses |
| Communication
| Vocalization |
| Beluga Main Page |
| Bibliography |
Family Page
p220 Cetacean Behaviour
Beluga: farewell to whales