"Crag the Mangrove Yowie"

Say G'day to Crag.
Crag is the meanest looking of all the yowies but behind that crocodilical smile, there beats a heart of gold. Vigilant keeper of the marsh, swamp and backwater, Crag leaves nothing to chance when it comes to defending his damp domain and all it's wet and muddy creatures.


Crag the Mangrove Yowie is part crocodile,
If you come to the wetlands, he'll give you a smile
He lives in the magic mangrove tree,
Where there are many wonderful things to see.

The shady swamp where mudcrabs play
The gleaming marsh where the rushes sway.

The kingfisher, brolga and black jabiru,
The pink-eared duck - and the lotus bird, too!
While the bellfrogs sing a wetlands tune,
Crag keeps watch by the light of the moon.


[ Rumble | Nap | Ditty | Boof | Squish ]

Words and images are courtesy of:
Books written and created by Geoff Pike.
© Cadbury Schweppes Pty. Ltd. 1997
Illustrated by Chris Minos & Helen Steele

Gypsy On Line Designs
Designed & maintained by Kathleen
© Copyright 1998/1999

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