"Nap the Honeygum Yowie"

Say G'day to Nap.
Nap is the old, wise Yowie of the pack. Most at home among the treetops with the koala family, the kookaburra and the owl, her wisdom and understanding are always available. A tendency to doze off at any time at all, caressed in dreams by breeze and gum blossom, doesn't stop Nap from being an alert and able guardian of her lofty domain.


Nap the Honeygum Yowie lives in the top of a tree,
Where the koala snooze and the wind blows free.

She guards the bushland wild and wide,
With the owl and the kookaburra by her side.

She works so hard, but she must keep
Her eyes wide open so she won't fall asleep.

For she knows things are never what they seem,
When you're halfway through a bushland dream,
But Nap has Yowie magic, through and through,
Awake or asleep, she will watch over you.


[ Rumble | Crag | Ditty | Boof | Squish ]

Words and images are courtesy of:
Books written and created by Geoff Pike.
© Cadbury Schweppes Pty. Ltd. 1997
Illustrated by Chris Minos & Helen Steele

Gypsy On Line Designs
Designed & maintained by Kathleen
© Copyright 1998/1999

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