The rescue operation's mission is to take in and re-home abandoned, mistreated or simply unwanted bernese mountain dogs. We also rescue BMD's from puppy mills. The welfare and safety of the breed is our concern.
Help programWe need your help and financial support in order to succeed these rescue operations. The donations are gratefully accepted and will be used to cover specific fees:
N.B. Each member of the rescue committee volunteers his own time and energy.
TransportationWe need volunteers to pick up the dog and transport him to a vet, foster home or adoptive home.
If you are interested in helping to provide these services, send in your name, city, and the distance you are willing to travel (mileage) to the person responsible ( see below).
We will keep your name in file for future demands.
Foster HomeThe rescued dog must be evaluated by a breeder and examined by a veterinarian.
N.B. We will not accept vicious dogs or dogs that might have bitten.All adult dog will be spayed/neutered and placed in a foster home until a permanent home is available.
If you are interested in providing a foster home, please let us know by contacting the person responsible. ( see below)
N.B. Once a dog is taken into rescue, there is no turning back.We try to proceed rapidly to minimize any stress to the animal.
Permanent AdoptionWe must ensure the commitment of the adoption family because the dog must be placed in a permanent home. The adopting family must meet the required terms of adoption and fill out an adoption questionnaire.
There is an adoption fee attached: the medical bills plus a $100. donation to cover various fees and travel expenses. The committee is made up of volunteers but we do have certain expenses to cover. ( The fee is also a guarantee of the owner's commitment )
In the following months, we will stay in contact with the new owners to make sure the dog adapts to his new home. We also provide assistance and counseling when asked.
N.B. It's impossible to guarantee against future health problems because often the dogs are from unknow genetic backgrounds. If the dog should develop any health problems we could only provide a moral support. The adoption questionnairePrint and mail to the the address on questionnaire.
What are the advantages of adopting an older dog?Dog owners abandon or decide to get rid of an animal for a variety of reasons. Here are the most common reasons:
If you wish to have your name placed on an adoption list contact us. You can contact the person in charge, we will be happy to be of assistance.
Petshop PuppiesWe are very concerned by BMD's in petshops. These puppies are often from puppy mills or backyard breeders. Beware of discounts! If you encounter any BMD puppies in petshops of your region we would appreciate you letting us know. ( Puppy Mills contribute to the increase of genetic disease like hip dysplasia in the bernese mountain dog)
FundsYou may send your donations to the address below:
Marthe Millas
Contacts Petshop puppies please advise : Adoption questionnaire please send to : Martha Millas / email: |