A rose can be a gift that brightens up a day.
Many a thought a rose can convey:
Thank you, Love you, Sorry, or just because,
a gift of roses, gives us a moment to pause.

The toads are a croakin',
and the quiet night is broken.
The cool whispering breeze is in the air,
to bring us joy without a care.

The birds are a singin'.
A song of their own they are a bringin'.
The chirrup music fills the air,
for all who will listen to hear.

A garden grows; planted are the seeds:
tomatoes, beans, corn or even the weeds.
The Earth brings forth all plants about,
all to enjoy or just pull out.

Do take the time to smell the roses.
Enjoy all that life imposes.
Notice everyday small things,
and enjoy the life that this brings.

June 25, 200l

Pictures are the property of Dick and Shirley ©. Sent to Marie and permission granted to be used with her poem.

Used with permission of Marie
All rights reserved.

Page design © mlm 2001,2002

More poems will be written by Marie and put on the internet by Margie

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Light of the World Free Soul Come As You Are
Small Things Beautiful Bumble Bee Ode of Love
Gossamer WingsButterfly One LinersSweet Fragnance and Incense
God's Green Earth Future Future